Initial reactions to the plan to restrict the sale of new cars

Initial reactions to the plan to restrict the sale of

Statements came from the Automotive Authorized Dealers Association regarding the “6 months and 6 thousand kilometers” restriction move for new car sales.

In addition to the gradual increases in new car prices in Turkey, we are passing through days when we see labels in a completely different lane due to vehicle availability. It has been on the agenda for a while, with the institutions or individuals taking advantage of the fact that the vehicle cannot be found at the authorized dealers, determining the tags well above the list price of the vehicle. The ministry, which has finally taken the concrete step on the subject, has officially launched the application, which is expected to be a deterrent in the purchase of new vehicles in the past days. After the first registration, comments started to come from the sector regarding the draft regulation, in which companies cannot sell vehicles before 6 months and 6 thousand kilometers are completed. Automotive Authorized Dealers Association (OYDER), TR Minister of Trade Dr. After the meeting with Mehmet Muş, he evaluated the new regulation regarding the restriction on the sale of second-hand vehicles.


The practice in new car sales is expected to be a deterrent

“OYDER President Dr. Altuğ Erciş stated that they support the application, which is expected to come into force, and said; “We support this step taken by the Ministry of Commerce to prevent exorbitant second-hand prices. The issue of the provision that the second-hand vehicles cannot be sold for 6 months and 6 thousand kilometers after the first registration was shared with us at the meeting we held last week. We, as OYDER, stated that we support this new regulation to bring regulation to the automobile market. We hope that the new regulation, which we expect to regulate the market, will also prevent opportunism.

Erciş also touched upon the problems faced by consumers due to high prices; “We think that the new regulation will be a beneficial measure, especially in terms of eliminating the complaints and inconveniences that have arisen recently on Authorized Dealers. It is known that there are institutions in the market that buy new vehicles from Authorized Dealers and sell them second hand at exorbitant prices. We think that such a measure will prevent exorbitant sales in the market and prevent opportunism in order to enable real consumers to access the vehicles more easily. We also support the new regulation created through mutual exchange of ideas with the Ministry throughout the process.” made statements.
