Infrastructure, cohesion and reconstruction, Cipess: the measures approved today

Infrastructure cohesion and reconstruction Cipess the measures approved today

(Finance) – Infrastructures, cohesion policies, civil reconstruction. These are the issues at the center of today’s session Interministerial Committee for Economic Planning and Sustainable Development (CIPESS), chaired by the minister of economy and finance and vice-president of the Committee, Giancarlo Giorgetti, with the presence of the secretary of CIPESS, undersecretary Alessandro MORELLI, who approved a series of proposals in this regard.
Infrastructure – CIPESS has approved, pursuant to paragraph 870, article 1, law 28 December 2015, n. 208 (stability law 2016), the 2021-2025 program contract between the MIT and ANAS SpA. The contract provides for overall investments (both new and already foreseen by previous updates to the contract itself) of approximately 44 billion euros, of which approximately 23 billions already covered. New funds are distributed for 2.25 billion from the 2023 budget law and approximately 3.75 billion euros from the 2024 budget law. These new resources for a total of 6 billion euros are distributed among other things for approximately 2 billion for new works , for 2.6 billion for maintenance and for 940 million for greater needs for works already planned. For the part attributed geographically, the new resources are allocated approximately 40.2% to the North, 17% to the Center and 42.8% to the South and the Islands. It should be noted – CIPESS said in a note – that the “fee” management model has been overcome and the previous “contribution” management has been restored. Still on the subject of infrastructure, CIPESS expressed a favorable opinion regarding the proposal to revise the Economic and Financial Plan (PEF) and the related fourth additional act scheme, relating to the concessionaire Società Pedemontana Lombarda SpA for the regulatory period 2024-2028, which provides a total cost of the work of approximately 4.6 billion euros, the construction of a “short” section D with a length reduced to 8.9 km, and the completion of the works on 31 December 2031.

Cohesion policies – The Committee adopted, upon proposal of the Minister for European Affairs, the South, cohesion policies and the PNRR, the respective Complementary Operational Programs (POC) 2014-2020 of the following regions: Lazio Region, Marche Region, Piedmont Region and Tuscany. At the same time, it ordered the reprogramming of the Cohesion Development Plan (PSC) of the Lazio Region, the Marche Region and the Piedmont Region. The strategies, objectives, Axes and Actions are defined in the POC, as well as the governance and implementation methods of the Programs themselves, as well as the respective Financial Plans and Timetables. CIPESS, regarding post-2009 earthquake reconstruction in the Abruzzo Region, has also arranged for the allocation, for the year 2024, of resources for the financing of technical services and qualified assistance in favor of the institutionally responsible central and local administrations to reconstruction activities.
