Information: Norway is to call for Ismail Abdo

It was on November 28 last year that a Swedish man was shot several times in a car outside a sports hall in Moss, Norway, which is south of Oslo. According to NRK’s ​​information, the man must have connections to the criminal network Foxtrot.

Now Norwegian police have charged a 34-year-old Turkish citizen who they want extradited to Norway. However, the police do not want to go into what role the person may have had in the shooting in Moss.

“Want to have him extradited to Norway”

Vibeke Schøyen, prosecutor in the Eastern Police District in Norway, does not want to confirm the identity of the Turkish citizen, but NRK learns that it is the Swedish gang leader Ismail Abdo that the police want to get hold of.

– This Turkish citizen is now at large. We want to have him arrested on an international arrest warrant and have him extradited to Norway. It is to investigate the case further and determine his role in the case, says Schøyen.
