Information for SVT: The government and SD want to revoke citizenship for gang criminals

The Tidö Agreement states that an investigation must draw up proposals on how citizenship can be revoked for those with dual citizenship who have committed system-threatening crime or whose citizenship was granted as a result of incorrect information.

A broad majority of the parties in the Riksdag agree that it should be possible to revoke Swedish citizenship under certain circumstances. However, the Green Party and the Left Party are against it.

On Wednesday, the constitutional committee – which, among other things, has been tasked with investigating a number of questions about fundamental freedoms and rights linked to, among other things, citizenship – will present its investigation.

In connection with the handover, a press meeting is held with Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer and Minister of Justice Henrik Jermsten, who has led the committee.

In addition to citizenship, the constitutional committee has also proposed, among other things, constitutional protection for the right to abortion and that freedom of association should be restricted for certain criminal associations.

The text is updated.
