inform to fight received ideas

inform to fight received ideas

This Saturday, May 28, is World Menstrual Hygiene Day. Plan international is an NGO that works for equality between young girls and boys. According to a study conducted with OpinionWay, a third of teenage girls are ashamed of having their period. Clichés and discrimination are still present in women’s daily lives.

In France, 35% of young girls admit having already been victims or witnesses of teasing about their period. Juliette Bénet is spokesperson for the NGO International Plan Franceand for her, the day of May 28 is essential to be informed and to fight against clichés: “ The first way to combat stereotypes and prejudices is through education. If false beliefs persist, it is because there is a lack of education, of information on this subject. »

“Let’s change the rules”

Horoh is a volunteer for Plan international, she organizes the project “Let’s change the rules”, with workshops for young people: ” The idea will be to build a tree of prejudices that exist in France, but which are much more present in developing countries. We have always been told that a young girl who has her period is a young girl who is impure. It’s not easy because these are taboos that still exist and are very present, especially among this population. »

In France, one out of two girls has already missed school because of her period. In India, menstruation disrupts the schooling of three quarters of young women.

Listen: Women Matters: The Rules
