Published: Less than 40 minutes ago
Book a train ticket? Please wait. This has been the case for many who have tried to plan a trip on rails this year.
The Swedish Transport Administration must now solve the problem of delayed timetables for train traffic, the Swedish Transport Agency demands. If the train companies – and thus the passengers – are not notified in a reasonable time of which trains can run as intended, there will be a penalty fee.
The requirement is set after a long period of late information about track work. Without that information, train companies cannot plan their staffing and other activities, or release tickets for sale.
According to the regulations, the deadline must be 18 weeks in advance. In December 2021, the Swedish Transport Administration warned that it would not be able to cope with this due to “internal factors in the organization”, and reduced the deadline to 13 weeks. But it has not been possible to keep it either. The Swedish Transport Agency writes in its decision that the advance in April was as short as one to two weeks.
When tickets are released so close to an intended trip, there is a great risk that passengers will choose other means of transport, the Swedish Transport Agency states.