Influenza epidemic: indicators on the rise, but the increase is less marked

Influenza epidemic indicators on the rise but the increase is

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    In parallel with the Covid-19 pandemic, the flu epidemic continues in France, but the rise in indicators remains less dazzling in this week 13 (from March 28 to April 13).

    Where is the flu epidemic?

    The indicators are on the rise in mainland France in nine regions of France, while in four regions they have stabilized, in particular:

    • In Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes,
    • In Burgundy-Franche-Comté,
    • In Corsica,
    • In the Pays de La Loire.

    As for Guyana, it is in the post-epidemic phase.

    After a visit to the emergency room for flu-like illness, the number of hospitalizations increased by +17% compared to the previous week. Nearly 1,090 patients are currently hospitalized. This week, 40 people were admitted to intensive care units.

    The incidence rate for consultations for flu-like illness is 322 per 100,000 inhabitants, an increase of 30% compared to week 12. The number of visits to the emergency room increased by 1% and the positivity rate in medicine outpatient is 59.5%.

    Seasonal flu vaccines: how effective?

    According to the weekly report of Public Health France of April 6, which transmits the preliminary results of the I-Move study, the vaccine effectiveness against viruses of the type:

    • A is 36%;
    • A(H3N2) is 35%;
    • the total influenza virus is 55%;
    • A(H1N1) is 83%.


    According to the observations of Public Health France, “the proportion of influenza-related deaths among all deaths resulting from electronic certification was still increasing” in week 13. This share exceeded “the level reached during the peak of the 2019-2020 flu epidemic”.

    Consult a GP online


    As with Covid-19, it is possible to get vaccinated and apply barrier gestures to protect yourself from flu viruses. It is advisable to wear a mask, especially for the most fragile people, to wash your hands regularly or to disinfect them, to ventilate the interior premises frequently and to cough into your elbow.
