Influenza: A fairly late epidemic this year

Influenza A fairly late epidemic this year

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    All that was missing was Corsica, it is now done: all the regions have gone to the epidemic stage concerning the flu, according to Public Health France. An epidemic which is therefore continuing and which is quite late, in comparison with previous years.

    According to the weekly bulletin of Public Health France, Corsica joined the other French regions this week at the epidemic stage of the flu. Conversely, Guyana is in a downward phase and could move into the post-epidemic phase next week, if the decline in the virus continues.

    Flu consultations on the rise

    The flu epidemic is therefore installed throughout France, including Corsica. Public Health France notes in its report a continuation of the increase in the number of passages for flu or flu-like syndrome as well as hospitalizations. An increase “observed in all age groups except in children under 5 years old”.

    Nearly twenty deaths

    Public Health France has 211 intensive care units that participate in flu surveillance. In these departments, 195 serious cases of influenza have been reported, including 20 in the past week. Among these cases, 52 cases involved children under the age of 15, or 27% of cases, a higher proportion than in previous seasons. Nineteen deaths have been reported, including 2 occurring in children under 2 years of age due to an influenza A H1N1 virus.

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    An intensification of the late epidemic

    As the health authority points out, “the intensification of the circulation of influenza viruses in all metropolitan areas occurs late in the winter season”. For SPF, it may have been “favored by the end of winter school holidays and the easing of measures to control the COVID-19 pandemic”.

    Public Health France recalls the importance of maintaining barrier gestures in the current context, to limit the spread of viruses and protect people at risk, especially the elderly.
