inflation picks up a few days before the start of the school year

inflation picks up a few days before the start of

Inflation has just broken a new record in Tunisia: +8.6% in August against 8.2 in July. A rise in prices which increasingly impacts the purchasing power of Tunisians as the start of the school year approaches.

With our correspondent in Tunis, Amira Souilem

Bad news for Tunisians a few days before the start of the school year. Inflation continues its trend on the rise. +8.6% last month. A record this year due in large part to the increase in the price of foodstuffs. The price of eggs, for example, has increased by almost 30% in one year. Poultry 22%.

If prices are rising, it is because basic foodstuffs are increasingly in short supply in Tunisia.

Four million poor

Heavily indebted, the Tunisian state is struggling to get supplies on world markets. Wheat, sugar or even vegetable oils come in insufficient quantities in Tunisia.

The war in Ukraine has further aggravated this situation. By increasing the price of fertilizers, cereals or even fuels, the conflict has increased the production costs of Tunisian economic operators and caused prices to soar further.

This is a hard blow for the wallets of Tunisians. According to official figures, the country has four million poor people, more than a third of the population.

This poverty makes some observers fear a social explosion if the situation is not contained quickly.
