PREMIUM INFLATION. Those forgotten about the inflation bonus can now claim their 100 euros. How it works ? Here are the steps to follow.
[Mis à jour le 30 mars 2022 à 07h20] This is the good news of the week, those forgotten about the inflation bonus will be able to claim their 100 euros! In total, no less than 1.3 million people went under the radar, and never received inflation compensation before the deadline of February 28, 2022. To remedy this big hiccup, the Government had promised the creation of a site dedicated to claiming the inflation bonus, an idea that had leaked more than a month ago. And since this Monday, the government site has just come out of the ground, you can go there today to obtain the transfer of 100 euros in the next few days. First, you will need to log in with your identifiers used for taxes, health insurance, MSA or La Poste, as desired. Then, the site will analyze your profile to find out whether or not you have already received the inflation bonus. Third step, the communication of your RIB so that the services concerned are aware of your bank details. Finally, the refund is on the way and should arrive within 10 days of your request.
By using this teleservice, you authorize the processing of your personal data strictly necessary for the examination of your right. If you do not have an identifier allowing you to connect, you can consult the Government website to find out who to contact to benefit from the allowance. As a reminder, the inflation bonus was to benefit the 38 million French people whose income did not exceed 2,600 euros gross per month. However, 1.3 million of them have been forgotten, often victims of an imbroglio between the Caf and Pôle Emploi, or double payments because some people benefited from several eligible statuses. Also, more than 300,000 self-employed entrepreneurs had not communicated their bank details, which delayed the process of disbursing aid.
The inflation bonus payment has faced various problems since its launch in December 2021. Many potential beneficiaries have still not received it despite meeting all the criteria. In particular employees of private employers on sick leave on October 31 or job seekers removed from Pôle Emploi, supported in a second time by Social Security.
In this sense, the government would work on the creation of a dedicated website to those “forgotten” of the inflation bonus. A brand new platform that would allow those who still have not received it to claim it in due form. Launch of this new site? March 2022. Today, no such service exists, hence the confusion of some beneficiaries. The Minister Delegate for Public Accounts Olivier Dussopt recently said that the site would be launched within 15 days, around the March 21, 2022.
After a successful start, the payment of the inflation bonus spoiled at the start of the year. A good number of beneficiaries have complained about the non-payment of the compensation of 100 euros. And for good reason, they are 1.3 million still have not received the transfer to their bank account. While the device should be finished from the February 28 last, the Government is active behind the scenes to allow those “forgotten” of the inflation bonus to be able to make a claim as soon as possible. Misunderstanding between Pôle Emploi and the CAF, victims of double or simple forgetting payments… The reasons for these dysfunctions are multiple.
“36.7 million French people (out of the 38 million eligible) have already received the inflation allowance of 100 euros“ declared the Minister Delegate for Public Accounts Olivier DussoptTuesday March 8, on the waves of South Radio. So how do you get redress and try to claim your inflation bonus during the month of March?
First of all, we advise you to get closer to the organization or company that should make the transfer to your bank account. No dedicated inflation bonus number is available on any platform. Don’t know who to contact? Here is a list of preferred contacts below:
- For employees: the employer
- For students : the CROUS
- For job seekers: Employment center
- For recipients of social benefits: the CAF
- For cross-border workers: the relevant tax office
- For farmers: the MSA
- For non-agricultural self-employed: Urssaf
Also, some professions still do not know the exact date of payment of the inflation bonus. It should not delay any longer and should take place at the very beginning of the month of March 2022, presumably the week of March 7. 300,000 self-employed entrepreneurs whose bank details (RIB) are not known to Urssaf are particularly concerned. In this case, Urssaf is supposed to contact the beneficiaries concerned and pay the inflation bonus in the coming days, beginning of February 2022. Finally, for certain people in the following categories, the inflation bonus has still not been paid, no more :
- Author artists
- Self-employed seafarers
- Invalidity pension recipients
For certain pensioners affiliated to the plan Agirc-Arrco, the inflation premium has arrived. The processing times applied by the various banking establishments could reach 5 working days. The transfer having been made, at the latest on February 28, if we count the weekend which has just ended, the inflation bonus arrived this morning in the bank account of the pensioners concerned. Which is not the case for some French people, in particular the self-employed. So how do you make a claim to collect the inflation bonus in March? Follow the leader.
After successive increases in fuel, the Government has decided to grant new aid to the French to support them in this period of galloping inflation. The payment of the inflation bonus being closed, the executive decided and announced the implementation of a discount of 18 cents per liter of fuel. “For a full 60 liters, you will save 9 euros“thrown John Castex this week-end. Individuals, professionals… This measure should concern all French people using a vehicle. The entry into force of this new boost is fixed at April 1, 2022 for a period of 4 months. Motorists will therefore be able to take advantage of it until July 31, 2022.
But then, how does it work? Consumers will receive the discount at checkout. Either at the counter or directly at the pump. Fuel distributors will be reimbursed the difference by the State. The fuels concerned are dieselthe SP95-E10 and the SP98. In other words, all fuels including crude. the bioethanol and the E85 are excluded and will not benefit from the discount of 15 centimes per litre. The measure will therefore only enter into force on April 1, 2022, so that distributors have time to organize themselves, and will concern both individuals that companies. In addition, all the details of this measure, and certain other more targeted aid should be announced this week by Prime Minister Jean Castex, during the presentation of the economic resilience plan to the French.
The inflation allowance will be paid to people whose earned income or replacement income is less than €2,000 net per month. It will be granted to persons receiving allowances and social benefits.
The list of the main categories of beneficiaries is as follows:
- Employees of private employers, including apprentices and beneficiaries of a professionalization contract
- Public officials
- Recipients of early retirement
- Self-employed workers
- Author artists
- Job seekers and vocational training trainees
- Recipients of invalidity pensions
- Retired persons, including beneficiaries of survivor’s pensions
- Scholarship students and those receiving housing aid
- Young people on a support path to employment or in civic service or volunteering for integration
- Beneficiaries of social minima
The bonus of 100 euros is granted on an individual basis. In other words, the composition of the household is not taken into account to determine eligibility for inflation compensation. Thus, a couple can receive up to 200 euros, ie 100 euros each or only 100 euros if only one of the spouses meets the income conditions (see below). In total, 38 million French people will benefit from the 100 euro inflation check.
But who is affected? To determine eligibility for the inflation allowance, the government has determined a ceiling: are therefore concerned French people who earn less than 2,000 euros net per month – before application of the withholding tax -, regardless of their status and profession. To determine the reference salary, the executive has chosen the month of October 2021. Would you like to know more about the 100 euro bonus? answers all your questions. Consult our dedicated file now: