Inflation, Anief: “Teachers and Ata among the most impoverished. Accelerate on renewal of school contract”

Teacher recruitment reform text in the Senate we are moving

(Finance) – The expensive energy resulting from the war in Ukraine and the shortage of some commodities have fueled the inflation race. Istat today noted, through preliminary statistics, that the cost of living in June accelerates again, rising to a level (8%) that had not been recorded since January 1986, when it was equal to 8.2%, with an increase of 1.2% on a monthly basis. Even higher is the growth in the prices of the so-called “shopping cart”, which registered a + 8.3%. At the Eurozone level, the cost of living would even amount to 8.6%, with a + 0.7% compared to May. The estimates come in the aftermath of government interventions to curb the expensive bills. In such a scenario Anief believes “it is increasingly important to close the National Collective Labor Agreement 2019/2021 by the summerthrough the signing of a bridging contract, with the commitment to reopen the comparison on the next contract, 2022/2024, with additional resources and update the regulatory section “.

“We have to meet the needs of school workers – he says Marcello Pacifico, national president of Anief -, who have been waiting for the salary increase for three and a half years, with the latest renewal which brought them a 3.48% increase after a decade of blockade. Now the percentage of increase is greater and less than four years have passed: even more because we are talking about a contract that has now expired and work services already carried out. Adding an average gross € 100 to the salary and almost € 3,000 in arrears, we believe this is the main objective to be achieved. The Government – continues the autonomous trade unionist – cannot remain indifferent to the impoverishment of public employees, even more so of teachers and Ata, who at the end of the month take less than everyone in the public administration, not to mention the comparison with other countries of European Union. Once they have been given some oxygen to make it to the end of the month, unions and the public sector will certainly be able to focus on the additional compensation and allowances, such as risk and disadvantaged locations, to be introduced into the current contract. As well as on the changes to be made to the regulatory part of the new Ccnl with respect to which we have presented a detailed platform. Starting from the innovation of profiles and professional levels. In our opinion, this is the best way forward: not closing the previous contract quickly – concludes Pacifico – would make the school workers even more sink and discourage “.
