Inflation aid: back for the start of the 2022 school year! For whom and how much?

Inflation aid back for the start of the 2022 school

INFLATION HELP. A brand new inflation aid will be distributed to the most modest from the start of the 2022 school year. Who will benefit? What amount? We take stock.

[Mis à jour le 8 juin 2022 à 14h02] The inflation bonus or inflation aid could make a comeback this year. Indeed, in an attempt to fight against the heavy effects of inflation (+5.2% in May over one year) on the purchasing power of the French, the Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne announced this Tuesday, June 7 on the airwaves of France Blue the creation of a new device! Aid that should be intended for the most modest households: “In an emergency, in the face of inflation, this will be aid paid directly into the bank account, all at once, naturally taking into account the number of children in the family.” she said this week.

This new aid should be more targeted and its amount should be around 150 euro. For the time being, a reflection is underway within the government concerning the food voucher. Will this inflation aid replace it? Will the two cohabit and be launched jointly? Nothing is decided yet, further explanations should arrive in the coming weeks. Still, this new inflation aid will be paid “from the start of the school year“as announced by Elisabeth Borne.

To fight against the general increase in consumer prices, and in particular food prices, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne announced the creation of aid paid directly into the bank account of beneficiaries, from the start of the 2022 school year. information is not yet known, but the scheme could well resemble the old inflation bonus of 100 euros introduced by Emmanuel Macron.

The new aid to fight against inflation and supposed to strengthen the purchasing power of the French desired by Elisabeth Borne will be paid directly into the bank account of the beneficiaries, from the start of the 2022 school year! Those concerned should therefore see a bank transfer appear on their account from September 2022.

The emergency aid desired by Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne aims to help “the most modest“. The terms are still vague, students, families with children, recipients of social minima… The project still needs to be refined, and the government should speak in the coming weeks, perhaps after the legislative elections. June 12 and 19.

The amount of this new Borne inflation bonus could reach 150 euros. The details are not yet clear, in particular concerning the potential start of the food check. Will the two devices be separate? Will the government give up the food check in favor of this new inflation bonus? Nothing is less certain, but the sum of 150 euros advanced by the executive seems for the time being to hold the rope.
