Infinix took color rendering on smartphones to a different level

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From companies officially located in Turkey infinixis revolutionizing color conversion on smartphones with the technology it introduced at CES 2024.

Infinix itself said the following about this remarkable infrastructure: “Global technology brand Infinix presented its latest technology solutions to consumers at CES (Consumer Electronics Fair) 2024. Standing out among these is E-Color Shift, a smartphone color converter that allows mobile phone panels to change colors without consuming power. Infinix, which also introduced AirCharge and Extreme-Temp Battery concept devices at the fair, aims to bring technological innovations to the mobile industry. nfinix’s revolutionary smartphone technology E-Color Shift featuring “E Ink Prism™ 3” allows extensive customization of the back panel. This innovation uses microstructures in which color particles carry positive and negative charges. When different voltages are applied, the electric field within the microstructure changes, moving the appropriate color particles and displaying the colors chosen by the user. This new technology allows the phone back panel to change the ‘skin/cover/case’ whenever desired, helping to protect the screen without wasting power.”


Infinix also exhibited its latest technology innovations, including AirCharge and Extreme-Temp Battery, at the fair. On this subject, the following was stated: “Infinix AirCharge, which is a wireless charging station, can provide wireless charging up to 20 cm and at 60-degree angles using multi-coil magnetic resonance and adaptive algorithms. Prioritizing consumer safety, Infinix AirCharge includes protective circuits with frequencies below 6.78 MHz and 7.5W power. Allowing consumers to charge their devices under the table while playing games or watching movies, this station goes beyond the perception of standard charging.

Another innovation introduced by Infinix at CES 2024 is; It was the Extreme-Temp Battery technology that emerged within the scope of the brand’s collaboration with leading technology suppliers. The following was shared on this subject: “This unique battery promises to work smoothly even at -40°C, thanks to its features including biomimetic electrolyte and fusion solid state technology in its electrodes. “Extreme-Temp Battery, which has a charging range of -40°C to 60°C, aims to offer a solution to typical lithium-ion freezing in standard batteries by offering reliable performance and durability in cold situations.”
