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Have you recently suspected your partner of being unfaithful? Here is the number 1 alibi for men to look elsewhere, according to a dating site.
According to the dating site “LoveExperts“, certain alibis are more commonly used than others by unfaithful men. Curious to know more? Here are their best excuses for not being unmasked by their partner…
Here’s the ‘ideal cover’ for unfaithful men, says expert
“I’m going to a friend’s house for the weekend“, “I have to go support this loved one who got dumped“, “my friend is in the hospital“, “I have a lot of work“… There are many excuses for visiting your lover on the sly. But not all of them are credible!
Indeed, the ExpertsEnAmour site reveals that the alibis most used by unfaithful men (thus those that really work) are not those we believe.
After questioning nearly 2000 participants about their “best covers“, the site’s experts found that they seemed to love the excuse…of golf.
According to the study, “74% of unfaithful men admitted to frequently using a ‘golf outing’ as a cover to go see someone else. An apology, followed closely by “business tripss”, “overtime and family obligations”.
Surprising results, but which can be explained according to Jesper Jensen, relationship specialist at ExpertsEnAmour.
“Golf is the ideal cover, as it can take up to four hours to play a round, and many add time for drinks at the clubhouse afterwards. This means someone could be away from home for six hours or more without arousing suspicion Most partners are not inclined to question a game of golf, especially if they are not interested in the sport themselves, making it an ideal alibi for infidelity.” .
Beware of tan lines
If this “perfect” alibi tempts you, be careful not to use it next weekend without having taken into account some technical details. According to the expert, tan lines can indeed reveal your double game…
“SIf someone spends hours on the golf course, they will develop a specific tan line just above the elbow. If your partner claims to play golf regularly, but doesn’t have that typical golfer’s tan, it may be time to take a closer look at their hobby.
Granted, you still have to have good weather and play golf to use this alibi. But maybe this one will come in handy one day. Who knows!