Infestation 88 Trailer Released! – Cepaholic

Infestation 88 Trailer Released Cepaholic

Nowadays, horror games have become very popular, especially when we look at the broadcasters that are watched a lot, we see that horror games are being played quite frequently. In today’s article, we will take a look at the game Infestation 88, which is not a funny game but a horror version, this time with the character of Mickey Mouse.

Let us briefly explain the topic of Infestation 88 to you; What was thought to be a vermin outbreak in various places turned into something much worse. Infestation 88 is an episodic, 1-4 player cooperative survival horror game where you and your friends become exterminators called to cure these mysterious infestations. The company, which made a statement as follows, is coming with a very ambitious game.

If we take a look at the gameplay part, it seems to be a quality game in terms of graphics, but when we take a look at the game, we can say that very tense moments await us.

Finally, the company did not make a statement about the release date and price of Infestation 88 and stated that there are more improvements for the game and more add-ons will be added.
