Infertility: here are the fruits that boost sperm quality

Infertility here are the fruits that boost sperm quality

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    in collaboration with

    Alexandra Murcier (Liberal dietician-nutritionist)

    Medical validation:
    December 4, 2023

    According to researchers, regular consumption of certain specific fruits could improve male fertility. Update on this announcement, with Alexandra Murcier, dietitian-nutritionist.

    Certain fruits help reduce male infertility. Although the news seems surprising, it is nevertheless a very serious study carried out by Australia’s Monarsh University. Their work was published in the journal Advances in Nutrition on November 17, 2023.

    Better quality sperm

    The fruits targeted by the study? Nuts and in particular walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts. According to Australian researchers, the many qualities of these fruits would improve the quality of sperm.

    To confirm this hypothesis, four studies, involving 646 men and 229 women, were included in the meta-analysis.

    Some of the men (223 of them exactly) had to ingest 60 to 75 g of nuts or nut supplements daily (30g of walnuts, 15g of almonds, 15g of hazelnuts) for 12 weeks.

    The control group, for its part, followed a nut-free diet.

    Different judgment criteria were also taken into account, such as sperm concentration, their vitality, motility and morphology.

    Result ? Men whose diet included 60 g of nuts per day had better sperm quality (at almost all levels: motility, vitality and morphology) than those who did not consume them.

    On the other hand, the fruit had no impact on sperm concentration.

    Our meta-analysis shows that including at least 2 servings of nuts per day as part of a Western-style diet in healthy men improves sperm parameters, which are predictors of fertility masculine. Due to their nutritional profile, these fruits have been found to have the potential to promote positive reproductive outcomes“, conclude the researchers.

    NO to diets, YES to WW!

    Focus on omega 3 to boost your fertility

    These results do not surprise our nutrition expert.

    Nuts are very rich in omega 3, fatty acids of interest in the context of fertility, both for men and for women. The reason ? These are part of the composition of the membranes of our cells, including oocytes and spermatozoa.“, explains Alexandra Murcier. “This is why these fruits can be integrated into the diet during a design project. You can also vary the pleasures by alternating rapeseed oil, walnut oil, whole walnuts, flax seeds, chia seeds and small fatty fish which are also very rich in omega 3.concludes the expert.
