Infected by ticks – now TBE is increasing in Sweden

They are small but can cause a lot of trouble. The high season for ticks is approaching and with it the risk of being infected with TBE. The disease is caused by a virus and can lead to inflammation in the brain. A new report from the Public Health Agency shows that the number of cases was still high in 2022, but not more than the record year 2021.

– The whole trend is that we get more cases successively year after year, says Anders Lindblom, state epidemiologist at the Public Health Agency.

Last year, a total of 467 cases were found in 117 municipalities. In eleven of these, no cases have previously been reported.

– The spread in Sweden is increasing. From having been primarily localized to the east coast in the past, it is now spreading west and north. We see some new municipalities where we did not have the spread of infection in previous years.

Here TBE occurs in Sweden

Geographically, there is an increased risk of being infected from the Dalälven, Gävle municipality, and southwards in Sweden. How big the risk is varies greatly from municipality to municipality and town to town.

Is there a risk of the species creeping further north?

– We have seen that and it may be due to climate change, a warmer climate, it is mainly on the Baltic Sea coast that it spreads north.

How can you avoid being bitten by a tick?

How many will be affected this season cannot be predicted. But if you spend a lot of time in nature, there are some things to think about for prevention:

– The most important thing is to make sure you don’t get bitten by a tick. Coveralls are a good way, often found in tall grass. Then it is important that you look at your body and clothes when you have been out in nature, says Anders Lindblom.

How long does a tick have to sit to become infected with TBE? Start the clip and get answers to three questions.
