Infamous action masterpiece was banned for 25 years – first trailer for the remake unleashes the “Queen of the Dead”

Infamous action masterpiece was banned for 25 years – first

No, this The Killer has nothing to do with the Netflix film of the same name by David Fincher, in which Michael Fassbender was involved. Nevertheless, the deadly title situation in the current hitman cinema is confusing.

So much for the explanation: In 1989, the later director of In the Body of the Enemy, John Woo, presented his action classic The Killer, which was a style-defining feature film for slow-motion action movies. 35 years later, Woo has taken on the material again. This time, Fast & Furious hacker Nathalie Emmanuel and Lupin star Omar Sy the main roles. Recently, the first trailer for the new The Killer appeared.

Watch the trailer for The Killer here:

The Killer – Trailer (English) HD

Nathalie Emmanuel plays the “Queen of the Dead” in The Killer

In the Hong Kong original, Chow Yun-Fat and Danny Lee played the roles of a professional killer and a police officer who develop a fascination for each other. In the remake, Nathalie Emmanuel plays the (according to the trailer) “Queen of the Dead”. The killer develops a conscience in the face of an injured young woman (Diana Silvers). After the Netflix hit Lupin, Omar Sy steps onto the other side of the law and plays the police officer who pursues her. Avatar actor Sam Worthington plays the killer’s mentor.

The Killer was, along with Hard Boiled and A Better Tomorrow, one of those films that established John Woo’s international reputation as an action master Woo went to Hollywood in the 1990s, but returned to China in the new millennium. Last year, Silent Night was released, his first English-language film since Paycheck (2003). The Killer, produced for the US streaming service Peacock, is now his next English-language film.

This also marks the end of a long history of remake efforts. The first plans for a Hollywood version of The Killer were made in 1992, with Richard Gere and Denzel Washington in the lead roles, as The Wrap reports. This and other attempts failed. Now the master himself has to step in.

The action original was banned for 25 years

In the US, the film will be released on August 23 on Peacock The Killer does not yet have a German release date. However, you can now buy the original uncut on Blu-ray* . This was not always the case. From 1990 onwards, the action classic was available in German thanks to “a series of spectacular individual and mass killings” on the list of media harmful to minors. The Killer was only de-indexed in 2015. Can the remake keep up?

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