Indira Ampiot, Miss France 2023, cuts her hair to transform it into an eco-friendly tool – and it’s great

Indira Ampiot Miss France 2023 cuts her hair to transform

This Friday, December 8, Indira Ampiot gave herself a new haircut and she took the opportunity to make a nice gesture for the environment.

When Indira Ampiot, Miss France 2023, goes to the hairdresser, she doesn’t do things like everyone else! Rather than throwing her hair in the trash, she recycles it on the occasion of World Climate Day and gives herself a new cut to die for.

Indira Ampiot cuts her hair to recycle it

As evidenced by the latest Instagram publication from the official Miss France account, Indira Ampiot decided togive a second life to your pretty curls by recycling them for useful purposes. Indeed, while her year of rule will come to an end on December 16, the 19-year-old young woman donated a few centimeters to the company Capillum, a pioneer in hair recycling. Result ? She now wears a long bob, lightened by a few golden highlights. Radiant, she shares the result on video and seems delighted with her decision. A great initiative widely welcomed by Internet users: “Well done“, “Amazing Indira” or “It really suits him. She looks more femme fatale I think” we can read in the comments.

How to recycle hair?

If Miss France 2023 did not hesitate to give a few locks of her mane, it is to avoid as much as possible the hair waste. Indeed, the objective of recycling is to transform cut hair into 100% natural mulch rolls which help preserve the soil and limit water consumption in the agricultural sector. Transformed into absorbent cushions, the hair is also used to clean up water and soil. But it is also a way to participate in medical research to improve skin care by extracting the keratin present in the hair. Recycling your lengths is therefore a small ecological gesture to preserve the planet.
