Indie Games Group Türkiye Organizes Play Academy Study Jam

Indie Games Group Turkiye Organizes Play Academy Study Jam

In the announcement made by Indie Games Group Türkiye on its official Linkedin page; “In order to bring together new and promising developers in Turkey” Play Academy Study Jam It was noted that it was arranged. The series of events in question will start in Ankara on Saturday, September 30 and will continue in stages.

Play Academy Study Jam Starts in Ankara This Week

Aiming to “bring together new and promising developers in Turkey to learn best practices in developing and marketing Google Play applications.” Indie Games Group Türkiye; The Play Academy Study Jam event organized for this purpose starts next Saturday.

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Hane Ostim, who works as Project Manager at Smartface, will be the first speaker at the event to be held in Ankara on Saturday, September 30. Melike Gensi will be. The event will start at 14.30; Important information and experiences on many critical issues, especially “marketing and development in applications and games” will be discussed.

The event will continue in Konya in the first week of October!

Following the event to be held in Ankara in the first week of Play Academy Study Jam, the second week will continue in Konya. The second leg of the event will be held at Konya, Karatay Culture Directorate on Saturday, October 7, and in the third stage, the community Discord channel It will continue on Sunday, October 15th. The fourth and final phase of the event will be carried out through the community’s Discord channel.

About Indie Games Group Turkey

Indie Games Group Turkey, established in early 2022 with the support of Google Play, offers great opportunities for game developers and application developers in our country. Game developers in Turkey The organization, which was established to increase communication with each other and transform the energy in the gaming industry into synergy, has managed to make great progress in a short time.

Backed by the huge power of Google Indie Games Group Turkeydoes not neglect to organize different events for new and young talents who want to take a place in the gaming industry. In this regard, Play Academy Study Jam aims to reveal new talents and help existing game developers move towards their goals faster and more decisively.
