Indiana Jones 5 trailer released

Indiana Jones 5 trailer released

The highly anticipated Indiana Jones 5 trailer, the first images of which were published in the past days, was finally presented to the audience.

Indy, one of the first movie characters that comes to mind when it comes to treasure to find and mystery to solve, finally returns. The new adventure of the iconic character that marked the history of cinema, Indiana Jones 5 trailer has finally been released. After the first screenshots published in the past days, we encountered an action-packed trailer.

Indiana Jones 5 trailer has finally arrived

Indiana Jones, who appeared with the movie Kingdom of the Crystal Skull exactly 14 years ago, will meet the audience with an action-packed adventure after this long break. When we look at this first trailer of the movie, we see that it will take place in more than one time. Because in some scenes, Indy’s youth was also visited. Of course, at these points, the quality of CGI can bring some discussions.

Along with Indana Jones, played by Harrison Ford once again, the character of Voller, known as the villain of the movie, will be brought to life by the famous actress Mads Mikkelsen, who is well known by game lovers.

James Mangold, who has previously signed successful films such as 3:10 Yuma Train, Wolverine and Logan, sits in the director’s chair of the movie. Apart from Harrison Ford and Mads Mikkelsen, the cast includes names such as Phoebe Waller Bridge, Thomas Kretschmann, Toby Jones and Antonio Banderas.
