Indian “Robin Hood” caught in police trap

Indian Robin Hood caught in police trap

Published: Less than 20 min ago

full screen A 27-year-old man has been arrested by the Delhi police on suspicion of being the leader of a Robin Hood-like league. Archive image. Photo: Manish Swarup/AP/TT

Indian police have arrested a 27-year-old man accused of being the leader of a Robin Hood-like league.

The gang has raided large houses in the capital’s posh neighborhoods and recovered cash and jewellery. The man has given part of the booty to the poor.

“Because of that, he has many followers in the area. These sources have given him information about police movements so that he has been able to escape,” Delhi Police said in a statement.

A special force hunted the league leader for four months. Last Friday, the man was arrested after the police set a trap near a railway station

He is suspected of around 160 crimes, including robbery, attempted murder and rape.
