independent elected officials at the center of interests after the results of the legislative elections

Madagascar nearly 700 people gathered at the National Assembly to

The final results of the Malagasy legislative elections revealed Thursday June 27, 2024 therefore offer President Rajoelina and his party an absolute majority, with two seats in advance. The opposition won 22 seats. All eyes are now on the 51 elected officials “ independent “, already heavily courted on both sides.

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From our correspondent in Antananarivo,

It is “ the victory of a people “, there ” victory at the polls ” rejoices Augustin Andriamananoro, former Minister of Culture. This close friend of Andry Rajoelina has just won a seat in Antananarivo.

We hold an absolute majority, which is very important and more comfortable for the central power to pursue general state policy. The issue today is the formation of the government, knowing that, according to the Malagasy constitution, it is up to the majority to propose the names of personalities “Prime Ministerial Candidates”. »

Independents in high demand

The new MP confides that his party remains open to “ new companions » he said, while assuring that “ many independents ” have already ” voluntarily » rallied the camp of the presidential majority. “ It is obvious that cooperating with central power is an asset for those who want to pursue a local policy. »

I appeal to all MPs who are elected by the people as independents to join forces in the National Assembly, in an independent parliamentary grouping.

Gascar Fenosoa, independent deputy elected in Antananarivo

Sarah Tétaud

The opposition side is holding the same discourse: several independents are already joining the parliamentary group. But even with a strong rally, Firaisankina risks remaining far behind.

Mamy Rabenirina, re-elected in Ambohidratrimo, points the finger at the conduct of the electoral process. To our surprise, on Thursday, when the final results were officially announced, some of our candidates who were already “elected”, according to the results of the Céni, lost. There are a few thousand votes that were deleted, by decision of the HCC, following requests filed by our adversaries. As a result, we lost at least ten seats which were already assured according to the results that we had calculated at our HQ. »

The elected deputies supported by the opposition platform hope during this new legislature to finally benefit from official status of parliamentary opponents and be able to elect their opposition leader.

Remaining philosophical despite a defeat is the attitude advocated by the political leader of the opposition Hajo Andrianainarivelo: “ Losing an election in such conditions is more of an honor than a defeat. You know, I could have been elected if I had used the same practices as the others, by buying votes, distributing food and putting pressure, using the prerogatives of public power. Whatever happens, it does not change our position, I will continue to work in opposition and ensure that our party can play a role in public life in Madagascar for change. And we will continue to fight so that this regime stops exploiting institutions for their personal interests. »

The new deputies are expected in special session from July 9, 2024.

Read alsoLegislative elections in Madagascar: the Irmar presidential coalition wins an absolute majority
