Incredible prophecy from Uri Geller! Claims aliens will stop Putin

Incredible prophecy from Uri Geller Claims aliens will stop Putin

Uri Geller, who claims to have psychic powers and bending spoons with his special power by participating in television shows, shared his surprising thoughts. Geller claimed that if Russian leader Vladimir Putin attempted to launch a nuclear bomb, aliens would intervene.


According to the news of the Daily Star; Uri Geller said he thinks aliens will stop Vladimir Putin if he tries to detonate his nuclear weapons. Geller also stated that he thinks the aliens will use advanced technology to scramble the Russian leader’s warheads. “With the push of a button, we can stop traffic and disable radar systems on San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge,” the 75-year-old entertainer said. Today we can do anything with cyber. “In that case, you can imagine what extraterrestrials can do,” he said.

Uri Geller stated that he thinks aliens may visit us in the next five years and they will come for peace. He also made predictions about where the aliens would land when they arrived. Geller predicted that they would land in an iconic place like the Mysterious Easter Island (Rapa Nui) or among the pyramids, adding:

“If an extraterrestrial alien civilization is to land here, it will not be an invasion. It will be friendly. If they were hostile to us, we would have been destroyed long ago.”


The Russian-Ukrainian war, which started on February 24, is in its fourth month. The war had begun on the orders of Russian President Putin.
