Increasing interest in laptop models with cracked screens

Increasing interest in laptop models with cracked screens

Screen is broken laptop Interest in models has been increasing in recent years. People can remove these models by removing their screens. uses.

Laptop The most important feature of the models is that they are portable. The most important element of this structure is, of course, the screens. That’s when the screen is damaged, it’s usually really very large repair costs can arise. Those who do not want to cover this repair cost can sell their laptop models with broken screens on second-hand sales platforms, much cheaper than normal. For this reason, the interest in laptop models with broken screens has increased tremendously recently. Contrary to what you might expect, most people do not have the screen repaired or repair themselves and use these laptop models with a broken screen, Buying to use by removing the screen. These people use the laptop, from which the screen was removed, by connecting it to a monitor, as you can see in the photo above. Here, the devices are made usable in the form of a wireless keyboard with computer hardware.

In this process, especially Apple, which is normally very expensive, MacBook computers are in demand. In this regard, there are some MacBook models in Turkey that are sold much cheaper than normal, since the screen is cracked. There are also those who use these products with a broken screen as a media computer. MacBook models (via wired as well as wireless image transmission)Like wireless keyboards with TouchPad) there are even those who turn them into devices that can be controlled from the sofa.


Although the use of these products without a screen may seem strange to many, people with budget problems can achieve an effective user experience with products with broken screens. There are game-oriented laptops with broken screens and people who get very high performance and are very satisfied with it. These powerful PCs can also bring extremely high performance for 3D design work. Since monitors are relatively cheap these days, especially new generation laptops with broken screens sell out very quickly.

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Also, the content prepared by The Verge website together with the conversions made on old MacBooks, which brings this issue to the agenda again. from here you can reach

You may also be interested in laptop models with a cracked screen: Apple Mac Studio and Studio Display
