Increases sexual desire, increases libido, brings it to the top

Increases sexual desire increases libido brings it to the top

If sexual health issues such as vaginal dryness, joint pains, low sex drive and more are starting to be a problem for you, try to get your sex drive back.

Experts emphasized the need for a proper exercise regimen and balanced diet to maintain overall health. These can work to increase sex drive and stamina. You may want to give libido-boosting drinks a chance to keep your sex life alive. Here are 5 drinks that naturally increase libido and sex drive…


Green tea is not only a great drink for weight loss, it can also stimulate your sexual desire. Green tea contains rich compounds called catechins that promote blood flow in the genitals. This helps increase sex drive.


Coffee, as we all know, is a mood enhancer! Caffeine-packed coffee is said to be beneficial for sex drive in both men and women. According to a 2015 study by the University of Texas Health Sciences Center at Houston, men who consumed coffee every day had a lower risk of erectile dysfunction.


The Journal of Sexual Medicine notes that wine can increase sexual arousal in both men and women. A warning here: Don’t overdo it!


A healthy and delicious banana smoothie never hurt anyone! This combination goes beyond giving your body physical strength. It can also increase your sex drive. According to experts, bananas have the enzyme bromelain, which increases libido and testosterone in men. Try it now to raise low libido.



Pomegranate juice has long been researched for its benefits in increasing sex hormones in both sexes. A recent study published in the International Journal of Impotence Research conducted at the Beverly Hills Clinic in the USA observed that consuming pomegranate juice can increase blood flow to the genitals.

You can try these libido-boosting drinks, but it may help to get expert advice from a sexual health professional regarding your individual cause and treatment for low sex drive.
