Increased penalties and lifted ban on dancing

Fact: Some new laws that come into effect on July 1st

The minimum sentence for selling drugs is now six months in prison.

The target age for retirement is also set at 67 for the year 2029

It will be easier to carry out investigations according to LUL, the law on young offenders, when children under the age of 15 are suspected of crimes.

Assistant nurse now becomes a protected professional title

The age for when the social welfare committee can decide on open efforts and contact persons without the guardian’s consent is lowered from 15 to 12 years.

Those taking the university entrance exam may be body searched when they enter or leave the premises where the university entrance exam is being conducted. Those who refuse will be denied access to the premises.

The temporary additional allowance for families with children within the housing allowance is extended and increased, from 25 to 40 percent of the preliminary housing allowance for the same month.

Source: Government Office

It is just one of a series of new laws that come into force at the turn of the year.

Other examples are that those who have to take the university entrance examination can now be body searched and that more investigations can be carried out when children under the age of 15 are suspected of crimes.

The fact that assistant nurse becomes a protected professional title means that, in order to be called assistant nurse, you must have a special professional certificate issued by the National Board of Health and Welfare.

The target age for pension is also determined to be 67 years for the year 2029, which in practice is applied during the years 2026 – 2029. It means a recommendation for when to draw a pension in order to receive the same pension as previous generations.

The target age also means that anyone born in 1963 or later will be able to draw a public pension at the earliest at the age of 64.

Enhanced penalties

The punishment is now also toughened for drug offences. Previously, the buyer did not commit a crime until the drugs were received. Now it is enough to have ordered drugs via SMS for the penalty to be a fine or six months in prison.

The minimum sentence for selling drugs is now six months in prison.

The penalty is also increased for illegal coercion, serious illegal threats and serious extortion. It will also be illegal to involve people under the age of 18 in criminal activities.

As of July 1, pub owners, nightclubs and organizers of other events, such as markets, do not need to have obtained a dance permit in advance. They have previously been worried about losing their alcohol license if guests spontaneously danced.

The criticized law was introduced during the dance band era in the 1950s and arose in a new form in connection with the popularity of raves in the 1990s.

Now, however, it will not be completely free to let loose and dance. The law is replaced by a notification obligation, which means the guests have the right to dance, but only as long as the organizer notifies the police that dancing may occur.
