Increased mortality in covid-19 – “More serious illness”

Despite the fact that covid-19 has become part of our everyday life, it is still a more serious illness than the flu, especially for the elderly and people in risk groups.
– We see an increased mortality in covid, especially during autumn and winter, says Magnus Gisslén, state epidemiologist at the Public Health Agency.

Vaccinations for this year’s flu and covid-19 season are now in full swing. The state epidemiologist emphasizes the importance of protecting oneself, especially for risk groups who are at higher risk of becoming seriously ill.

– We expect an increase in both covid and flu cases during the autumn and winter, and it is important to be prepared with vaccination protection, says Magnus Gisslén, state epidemiologist.

Similar to previous years, the flu season is expected to pick up later in the fall, while covid-19 spreads year-round. However, when infection increases during the winter months, covid-19 can still lead to more serious illness, especially for the elderly and those in risk groups.

Risk groups are prioritized for vaccines

Those who are most at risk of being affected are older than 65 and adults with underlying diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes or a weakened immune system.

Pregnant women are also recommended to get vaccinated.

– We prioritize the risk groups first, but then there is the opportunity for others to book an appointment for vaccines, says Magnus Gisslén.

For those who are part of the recommended risk groups, the vaccination is free. But if you do not belong to a risk group, then you have to pay a smaller amount. Many health centers offer the option of taking both the covid and flu vaccine at the same time. Getting vaccinated against both covid and flu at the same time is not only safe, but also recommended.

– It increases the degree of coverage and helps reduce the burden on healthcare during the intense flu season, explains Gisslén.

Mycoplasma and other diseases

In addition to covid and influenza, other diseases, such as mycoplasma, have also increased in spread after the pandemic. Mycoplasma causes pneumonia, but is usually not serious.

– We have seen a general increase in infectious diseases after having relatively few cases during the pandemic, says Magnus Gisslén.

Symptoms of covid-19

Often reminiscent of the common cold or flu. Here are some common symptoms. You may have one or more of the following symptoms:

Symptoms usually appear within three days of being infected. Sometimes it can take up to 14 days.
The vast majority get mild symptoms, but a few people become seriously ill.

Source: 1177

Today 07:10

Here are the groups that are recommended to be vaccinated

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