Increased levels of covid virus in wastewater

Increased levels of covid virus in wastewater

In several cities in northern and central Sweden, increased levels of coronavirus are noticeable in the wastewater. The increase has been noticeable in Umeå and Stockholm, among other places, over the past two weeks, writes Dagens Nyheter.

– In Umeå, the levels are as high as in April, but we have to double-check these so that they are correct – but we also see an increase in Uppsala and Örebro, says Anna Szekely, environmental microbiologist at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, to DN.

Primary care in southern Stockholm has also noticed an increase in patients applying for respiratory infections, and the region has during the last three weeks noted an increase in the number of admitted patients.

137 patients were treated this week at the region’s hospital with covid-19 diagnosed, of which 3 in intensive care. Patients admitted to hospital are still being tested for covid-19, and there is a slightly increasing trend of positive test results.
