Incorrect rhinoplasty leads to undesirable situations!

Incorrect rhinoplasty leads to undesirable situations

Rhinoplasty is one of the first surgeries performed by everyone who wants to have a beautiful appearance. In social media, which has entered our lives with the development of technology, users use many filters to look more beautiful. Due to these unrealistic filters, the interest in plastic surgery has increased much more. Thanks to the changing perception of society, people are no longer ashamed to have rhinoplasty or to say that they have had it done. It is necessary to conduct thorough research before having rhinoplasty. Improper aesthetic causes obstructions, nasal collapses and undesirable deformities.


Ear, Nose, Throat and Facial Surgery Specialist Assoc. Dr. According to the information given by Gürkan Kayabaşoğlu; Have you ever thought that the nose, located in the midline of people’s faces, is the most striking place in face-to-face communication? To eliminate the deformity of the nose shape; There are many techniques such as filters on smartphones, make-up tricks with shading technique, nose filling. Those who want permanent nose beauty apply to rhinoplasty surgeries, which are very common nowadays. So, how accurate is this operation to every person who requests nose surgery?
Whether male or female, we all want to have a nose shape that will make ourselves look more beautiful, attractive and cool. Because, by human instincts, he wants to have the beautiful thing, to like himself and to be liked by the people around him. These desires and desires push people to make various efforts to be beautiful.


The nose, which is an important element of facial beauty, has different shapes on everyone’s face due to its structure. Some complain that their nose is arched and bony, some complain that it is wide, flat, low-ended, and some complain that it is curved. These complaints cause people to feel unhappy, and even to the extent that they turn into social phobia in some of them. Those who try to eliminate this problem with their own methods resort to methods such as filters or make-up tricks in photographs. Of course, those who want to have a beautiful nose for the rest of their life resort to rhinoplasty surgeries without wasting time. Human beings, who have the ability to produce solutions to the problems they have experienced since ancient times, continue to benefit from the medical opportunities and technological developments of each era to the maximum extent. 200 years ago, people with bad nasal appearance were using a product similar to a tape produced as a nose shaping apparatus and a metal-plastic mixture plaster on the nose. Today, the solution is surgery, who knows, maybe 200 years later, different methods that are easier than we can imagine today will develop.


About 10-15 years ago, society’s perspective on rhinoplasty was very different. Nose surgery was thought to be an operation suitable only for celebrities and people belonging to a certain socio-economic class. In the periods when the number of surgeries increased and the number of people who applied for it gradually started to increase, another handicap came into play: Neighborhood pressure! Because of this pressure, everyone who tried to get their nose done started to offer the excuse of “I can’t breathe” to those around them. Of course, there were those who had this surgery with the problem of not being able to really breathe. However, many people wanted to have surgery just for the sake of aesthetic appearance, and they almost concealed the real reason for fear of being criticized. Time passed, individuality increased, and nose surgery has now settled in the perception of society as a natural and simple procedure that anyone can apply for, as well as skin care. But this brought with it some dangers.



The widespread use of rhinoplasty in society, while providing freedom to people in this regard, also made this situation open to abuse. However, as with any surgery, rhinoplasty and revision surgeries also carry some risks. Congestion, collapse and unwanted shape after nose reduction surgery are some of them. Rhinoplasty surgeries give positive results when performed by expert surgeons with expertise and experience, knowing the details, in safe hands. While some rhinoplasty operations performed without detailed intranasal controls and adequate preliminary consultations of the physician and the patient, while trying to improve the appearance of the nose, they can bring along a number of other health problems.
In order to achieve the nose shape of their dreams and not be subject to revision surgery, patients should stay away from non-specialized institutions and non-specialized surgeons. When deciding on surgery, they should do very detailed research.
