Incorrect figures in Sida’s accounting

40,000 jobs in Ethiopia which were actually 4,000 jobs.
17,000 jobs in Tanzania had been reported as results but were actually forecast figures.
Several incorrect figures have been discovered in Sida’s accounting and now the aid agency is receiving harsh criticism from the government.
– You must be able to trust that the results that Sida reports are correct, says Minister for Aid and Foreign Trade Benjamin Dousa.

In a recently published report from the EBA, the Expert Group for aid analysis, several incorrect figures appear in the aid authority Sida’s report. Among other things, an effort in Ethiopia is mentioned where 40,000 jobs would have been created when it was actually only 4,000 jobs.

Another incorrect figure mentioned is that 17,000 jobs in Tanzania had been reported as results but were actually forecast figures.

The minister’s criticism

The newly appointed Minister for Aid and Foreign Trade Benjamin Dousa (M) is now directing harsh criticism at the authority and wants to “clean up the aid mess”. The government gives Sida the task of developing a more reliable performance report for aid so that incorrect figures do not occur.

– Some inaccuracies have recently been discovered in Sida’s reporting of quantitative results, and the government takes this very seriously. You must be able to trust that the results reported by Sida are correct. It is therefore important that the government has decided today to further strengthen the work with performance reporting by instructing Sida to draw up an action plan to deal with the shortcomings that have emerged, he says.

He believes that if the government goes after incorrect figures and information, they cannot guarantee that the decisions made are correct. Benjamin Dousa also emphasizes that it can become a democracy problem if the wrong information is used by the Riksdag and conveyed to the citizens.
