Inclusion allowance, applications open: first payments in January

INPS Easy access to the single cheque

(Finance) – The first applications to obtain will start from midnight the inclusion allowance, the new tool to combat poverty and social exclusion which, in fact, takes the place of Basic income.

From today, explains the INPS, it is It is possible to apply for the Inclusion Allowance (ADI). In the event of a positive outcome of the application investigation, the economic benefit starts from the following month upon signing the Digital Activation Agreement (Pad). During the first application phase, only for applications complete with the subscription of the Pad and submitted by January, the benefit will start from the same month.

“In the event of a positive outcome of the application investigation, inform the INPS in the circular on the access requirements, the methods of submitting the application, the description of the activation process and further details on the service, the economic benefit of the ADI starts from the month following the signing of the Activation Agreement digital (Pad) of the family unit by the applicant. During the first application phase, only for applications complete with the subscription of the Pad and submitted by January 2024, the benefit will be recognized from the same month of January, without prejudice to the need for a positive outcome of the requirements check”. can submit in the dedicated section of the INPS website using Spid, Cns and Cie or by contacting a Patronato. Starting from 1 January 2024, applications can also be forwarded through the CAF.

Directly from the portal Inps or with the support of intermediaries, the applicant, after submitting the application, must access the Social and Work Inclusion System (Siisl) and sign the Family Unit Digital Activation Agreement (Pad).
