Include coffee grounds in your beauty routine

Include coffee grounds in your beauty routine

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    On the occasion of World Coffee Day, October 1, a look back at the benefits and virtues of this ingredient, which is as natural as it is effective.

    Do you really know all the virtues of coffee? Beneficial for health, it is nonetheless a significant beauty ally for the skin or hair. It is even essential to fight against cellulite, skin aging, dead skin, and dull hair.

    Coffee, a must for beauty

    Coffee in your beauty routine? And why not. It must be said that coffee, whether as an active ingredient – since it contains caffeine – or in its different textures, has countless virtues for the skin and hair. It is not uncommon to find cosmetics formulated with caffeine, well known for its slimming and firming benefits. Generally, it is found in creams, gels and other beauty products intended to lose a few centimeters in the hips, thighs or buttocks. It is also found in anti-cellulite treatments or formulated to obtain firmer skin.

    Caffeine can also be present in certain facial treatments, always with a view to combating sagging skin, but also and above all, to improve the appearance of the eye contour and reduce puffiness and dark circles. The results will be even more convincing if this type of treatment makes a detour via the refrigerator beforehand. Creams, gels, masks, hygiene products: caffeine is now ubiquitous in the cosmetics departments of department stores and specialty stores. It is therefore impossible to ignore this new beauty essential.

    Coffee powder and grounds

    Advent of Do it yourself (DIY) obliges, coffee is now found in the form of powder or marc in many recipes concocted directly from the bathroom. Inevitably rich in caffeine, these textures have the advantages mentioned above, but are also powerful antioxidants; which allows them to fight against certain signs of aging, and more generally against skin aging.

    Not content with possessing natural virtues, coffee grounds, thanks to their specific texture, are also one of the best exfoliants for getting rid of dead cells. All you have to do is mix it with other ingredients: egg white for a mask, vegetable oil and honey for a scrub for the face and body, or even alone to exfoliate the hair to make it brighter. A good way to recycle the grounds that were previously thrown in the trash.

    On TikTok, we also discover a multitude of recipes for masks and scrubs made from soluble coffee or beans. Something that users seem to have not only tested but also approved.
