Inail, Civ: in the 2025 budget forecast there is a surplus of more than 1 billion euros, it must be invested

Inail Civ in the 2025 budget forecast there is a

(Finance) – Il Steering and supervisory council of theInail unanimously approved, on December 30, 2024, the budget forecast of Inail 2025 from which a financial surplus Of 1 billion euros. The president of the Civ William Loywe read in a note, “in highlighting once again in a critical sense the financial surplus of over 1 billion euros, the economic surplus of approximately 2.2 billion euros and the liquid assets presumed as of 31 December 2025 For 44.1 billion euroshighlights the incomplete fulfillment of the high institutional objectives of which INAIL is the guarantor, also in relation to the size and continuity of the surpluses over time”.

Loy underlined that “the growth of the contribution revenue, the failure to use all the resources available for investments in prevention with a negative effect on the fight against the accident phenomenon, the not always full emergence of professional diseases or their lack of recognition and the reduction of number of services, generate a gap between income and expenditure that is no longer sustainable””To the improper training of such a continuous and large gap must be promptly remedied by removing the causes, while it is not possible to allocate resources to cover the insufficient return on capital investments”, he then declared.

For 2025 the Institute’s total revenue amounts to more than 12.9 billion eurosan increase of approximately 144 million euros (+1.13%) compared to the 2024 forecasts and an increase of 463 million euros (+3.73%) compared to the 2023 final figures. Revenue from insurance contributions and premiums burden on employers and/or members is equal to more than 9.8 billion, while expenses amount to approximately 11.8 billion eurosup by 955.6 million euros (+8.76%) compared to the 2024 forecasts and up by 2.5 billion (+26.62%) compared to the 2023 final figures.

The Civ underlined that the resulting effects are not always positive for the benefit of companies and workers, “as the amounts of the main activities relating to the institutional mission remain anchored to the 2024 values, while the increase is attributable to investments in I count capital“.

The Civ pointed out that in the budget “1 billion euros is allocated for the investments real estate to income placed to guarantee the technical reserves (excessive compared to the current capacities of the Institute), while the allocation of Isi calls (Inail financing for companies that invest in health and safety at work) stands, after the constant growth of recent years, at the same amount as in 2024 equal to 600 million euros (despite the fact that in the past the amount requested in financing applications has exceeded the available budget significantly)”.

In addition to intervening effectively and promptly on the Institute’s insufficient investment capacity (both for properties and for prevention), in the opinion of the Inail Civ “it is necessary, however, to further strengthen the promotion and encourage the dissemination of knowledge of Model OT23 (discount on the Inail insurance premium for companies that implement measures to support health and safety at work), with adequate financial implementation for the same tariff revenue, just as specific regulatory and operational interventions must necessarily be proposed again to allow for an increase in the number of subjects involved in constant and continuous training activities additional to training mandatory in the field of prevention, for which the amount of 50 million euros is allocated”.
