Inail-AdR: protocol for health and safety at work signed

Inail AdR protocol for health and safety at work signed

(Finance) – Inail and AdR they signed this morning, at Fiumicino airport, a protocol for the occupational health and safety which will last five years, in line with the expiry of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan in 2026 (PNRR).

Objective – explains the note – the execution of joint activities for the dissemination of the culture of prevention and the improvement of health and safety management, also through the involvement of workers’ trade unions and competent institutional subjects. The protocol was signed by General Manager of Inail, Andrea Tardiola, by the CEO of the Aeroporti di Roma Group, Marco Troncone, and by the national secretariats of the transport trade unions, represented by Fabrizio Cuscito (Filt Cgil), Monica Mascia (Fit Cisl), Paolo Collini and Franco Lauri (Uil Trasporti), and Francesco Alfonsi (Ugl Trasporti), present the president of Adr, Claudio De Vincenti.

ADR – we read – will be activated for the maximum dissemination of projects and principles that will arise from the agreement with a view to continuous improvement of the airport system. The important investments that the airport management company is carrying out in the field of infrastructures and the modernization of services and production processes towards the new energy, technological and social sustainability frontiers, require to multiply the accident prevention initiatives. To this end, Inail promotes targeted actions to support companies and large groups, starting from the planning of the operational phase of investments. This mode of intervention is destined to become structural for the Institute, through the stipulation of specific memoranda of understanding.

“The agreement signed today marks a further step on the road that has long been AdR follows for the safety of workers in the workplace, in particular the protocol provides for a strong collaboration in the use of scientific innovations and the most advanced technologies to improve safety, therefore innovation at the service of safety “says the President De Vincenti.

“Health, safety, prevention are central themes for AdR – underlined the CEO Stub – in the broader plan of sustainability, welfare and attention to people. Cooperation and creating a system is the way forward. The objectives are to reduce the accident rate at the airport, tending to zero, also leveraging new innovative and technological solutions, and to transmit the culture of safety to those who work with us “.

For Tardiola “the industrial groups that are successful are those that work best on the quality and safety of work: in this sense, Fiumicino, for Inail, is an example of research on the workplace and the protocol with Adr therefore it has more dimensions. In fact, the partnership with large industrial groups pushes forward the border line on culture and safety in the workplace, also studying technologic innovations”.

The areas of collaboration defined by the protocol provide in addition, communication and health and safety promotion initiatives in the workplace, the design of personnel training programs and the experimentation of innovative solutions with high technological value for the improvement of health and safety levels. For the latter, the research projects promoted by Inail in the field of robotics, augmented reality through immersive vision, of sensors for monitoring work environments, the study of innovative materials for workwear and devices for the prevention of accidents and occupational diseases, such as collaborative exoskeletons. The planning and implementation of risk organization and management models for the prevention of accidents and the promotion of organizational well-being are also envisaged.

The commitment of ADR – concludes the note – in the field of health and safety, it has earned numerous international certifications and awards at Fiumicino and Ciampino airports including: the Airport Health Accreditation for the years 2020 and 2021, the Airport Health Measures Audit in 2020, RINA’s Biosafety Trust Certification in 2020, at the end of a careful investigation on the containment measures of the pandemic, and the Covid-19 Skytrax Airport Rating 2020, which awarded Leonardo da Vinci 5 stars globally based on efficiency the procedures adopted. All the Group companies have obtained over the years and maintain over time the ISO 45001 certifications of their occupational health and safety management systems “.
