Before the municipal elections of September 2, 2023, Simone Gbagbo supported the PDCI candidate in the commune of Yopougon. The PPA-CI failed to reach agreement with the PDCI in the larger commune of Abidjan.
1 min
With our correspondent in Abidjan, Francois Hume-Ferkatadji
It is a blow for Michel Gbagbo, candidate of the African Peoples’ Party-Côte d’Ivoire (PPA-CI) in the commune of Yopougon. In addition to facing the President of the National Assembly, Adama Bictogo, candidate of the Rally of Houphouëtists for Democracy and Peace (RHDP), he will also face Dia Houphouët, candidate of the Democratic Party of Côte d’Ivoire (PDCI). . A candidate who is moreover supported by the Movement of Capable Generations (MGC) of Simone Gbagbothe former mother-in-law of the deputy of Yopougon.
Simone Gbagbo in person went to Yopougon, Sunday July 16, to support Dia Houphouët. Behind the scenes, the PPA-CI would have asked the PDCI not to form an alliance with the MGC.
This Yopougon alliance therefore appears to be a factor capable of weakening the negotiations and the electoral pact between the PDCI and the PPA-CI, which has not yet been fully revealed. In Haut-Sassandra, the two parties have chosen a common candidate for the regional elections in the person of Alphonse Djédjé Mady, a member of the PDCI in alliance with Stéphane Kipré.
According to Eddie Guipié, political scientist and researcher at the University of Korhogo, ” Yopougon, with its 1.5 million voters, is the mother of battles, it is a municipality that allows you to fill up on votes before heading towards the presidential election. »
The election in this commune, acquired by Laurent Gbagbo’s party since the 2000s, promises to be very close and uncertain.
Read alsoCôte d’Ivoire: PPA-CI and PDCI are struggling to materialize their alliance for municipal and regional authorities