Dungeons with NPCs – one of the big features in the next World of Warcraft patch. But the developers immediately add a restriction.
The next World of Warcraft patch starts in a few days. The update 10.2.5 Seeds of Renewal brings a lot of small and fine features to bridge the waiting time until the next expansion. But solo players who haven’t been able to get used to groups or who were simply a bit afraid of visiting dungeons can be happy because:
In the next patch you will be able to compete in dungeons with NPCs. But Blizzard immediately adds a limitation so that you don’t overdo it.
WoW: The trailer for the new patch 10.2.5
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What kind of dungeons are these? In patch 10.2.5 you can use the so-called “Follower Dungeons” feature. Instead of looking for 4 real players, you can simply rely on a variable number of NPC companions (1-4) who fill in missing roles. This saves you the trouble of searching for tanks, healers or DPS characters and allows you to experience dungeons at your own pace without the social pressure or the “Go!” Go!” mentality that many veterans display.
What kind of restriction is there? In a post from the developers, they announced that the feature was starting with a small setback. Because only 10 of these dungeons can be started per account per day.
Why is there this restriction? Blizzard doesn’t directly name the reason for the restriction, but most people already have an idea: bots. A limitation is installed so that the feature is not directly exploited by bots, for example to farm “blue items” in bulk, which then provide current enchantment materials.
Blizzard continues to say this in the WoW forum:
We will take a close look at the impact of this feature once it is live in all regions and see if we increase the limit in the future.
Is the limit drastic? Probably not. If you consider that the feature is primarily intended to give all players a chance to experience dungeons without pressure or in a new role, then this limitation should hardly be significant. Since only the Dragonflight dungeons can be played this way at the beginning, most people will hardly notice the restriction. Because Dragonflight started with 8 dungeons, two more were added later in the form of the “Mega Dungeon”.
Since the feature is only intended for dungeons of normal difficulty anyway, the limit of “10 NPC dungeons per day” is unlikely to be of any importance to most people.
Anyone who planned to farm these types of dungeons every day will probably be disappointed. But then they probably wanted to use the feature in a way that Blizzard didn’t intend.
What do you think of this restriction? Good and useful or annoying and not actually necessary?
Elsewhere, WoW is trying further innovations: You can currently vote on which animal set bonus you would like.