In video: what would happen if you fell into a black hole?

In video what would happen if you fell into a

The depths of black holes are spaces of mystery and fantasy, but that doesn’t mean we can’t approach them scientifically. So let’s travel together to the frontiers of reality as we know it.

What would happen if you fell into a black hole? Would you disintegrate into a soup of billions of billions of elementary particles? Would you communicate with a species smart alien like in the movie Contact, released in 1997? Or would you step into an alternate dimension overlooking a loved one’s library like in the movie Interstellar ?

In a black hole, no one will see you disappear

Black holes are objects full of mystery, even for astrophysicists who make it their subject of expertise. So extreme that they shake our understanding of the fundamental laws that govern the Universe, these cosmic monsters reveal themselves step by step to the eyes of the worldbut an intangible enigma remains, the one that hides in their heart. During one of his lectures stephen hawking said: ” In space, no one will hear you scream; and in a black hole, no one will see you disappear. Nevertheless, let’s explore what the theory tells us, between the moment you approach the black hole and the moment you rush into its depths.

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