In Ukraine, 498 Russian soldiers have died, nearly 1,600 wounded

In Ukraine 498 Russian soldiers have died nearly 1600 wounded

For the first time, Russia spoke in more detail about the numbers of dead and wounded. According to Ukrainian data, nearly six thousand Russians have fallen.

Russia reports that 498 Russian soldiers have died in Ukraine.

Spokesman for the country’s Ministry of Defense Igor Konashenkov described these as falling “in the performance of their duties.”

In a statement broadcast on Russian television, he added that “1,597 of our comrades have been wounded.” According to the news agency AFP.

Russia has not previously reported its losses during a war operation called a “special operation.” A week has passed since the start of the Russian attack on Thursday morning.

Ukraine: Russia’s losses of nearly six thousand

Ukraine has released data showing that Russia’s losses are significantly higher.

According to Ukraine, Russia would have lost up to 5,800 troops.

A spokesman for Russia’s defense ministry denied the information about the large loss figures, calling it “centralized disinformation.”

Konashenkov denied that conscripts or cadets of military schools would take part in the “special operation.” However, according to the news agency AFP, independent organizations assisting the relatives of the soldiers have said that conscripts have been ordered for the operation.

In Russia, the organization of mothers of soldiers active

Ukraine has not released data on the number of Ukrainian soldiers killed during the Russian invasion.

Ukraine has reported that more than 350 civilians have died during Russia’s hostilities.
