In tribute to Kassé Mady Diabaté

On May 24, 2018, the illustrious Kassé Mady Diabaté died suddenly at the age of 69. A year later, his little nephew, Fama Diabaté, then 14 years old, caused a sensation during a performance in tribute to his great uncle and famous Malian singer. This moving concert, presented in Monthey in Switzerland in October 2019, brought together the group Kala Jula and the Gangbé Brass Band. The Scrapbook asro is a vibrant testimony…

Beyond the tribute to Kassé Mady Diabaté, Kala Jula’s performance supported by the gleaming brass instruments of the Gangbé Brass Band of Cotonou celebrated an assumed artistic pan-Africanism. The musical union of Mali and Benin on a European stage encouraged cordial understanding between the peoples of Africa and the world. The differences should not undermine the expressive force of these two formations. The bet paid off and the fruit of this joyous collaboration is now hailed by an exciting and energizing album. Vincent Zanetti and Samba Diabaté, the pillars of the Kala Jula group, wanted to invite the swing power of a historic Big Band. Athanase Obed Dehoumon, leader of the Gangbé Brass Band, could only accept this outstretched hand whose universalist intention suited him perfectly.

Athanase Obed Dehoumon, leader of the Gangbé Brass Band, in the studio at RFI.

Suddenly, the sound space has expanded. The saxophones, trumpets, trombones, of the Gangbé supported the guitar harmonies and the percussive cadences of Kala Jula. If it took intense work to achieve this unique creative fusion, the sincere complicity of the different protagonists facilitated mutual understanding. The icing on the cake was a voice! That of the young Fama Diabaté whose range and maturity impressed the spectators. This young maestro of the vocal art, bearer of a secular heritage, seemed inhabited by the weight of heritage. It is obvious that we will hear about this very talented young man in the future.

Vincent Zanetti, creator of the Kala Jula group, at RFI.

Adding up the know-how of instrumentalists nurtured by ancestral traditions was no small feat, but the challenge was worth it. Mutual trust, listening and knowledge sharing were essential to meet this challenge. Vincent Zanetti, the instigator of this collegiate adventure, excels in the art of provoking encounters. His journey in the world of the arts speaks for him. Composer, arranger, percussionist, radio man, festival programmer, he has long chosen to cross cultures to affirm his attachment to an Afro-planetary world. His alter-ego, the Malian guitarist Samba Diabaté, has also shown his open-mindedness by multiplying appearances around the world. He greedily married the audacious projects of his Swiss comrade. As for Athanase Obed Dehoumon, he has been watching over the good performance and credibility of an imposing Beninese orchestra inspired by the Afrobeat of Fela Kuti for 30 years. There is no doubt that the spirit of harmony that emanates from these sensitive souls will bring peace and serenity each time their words and their notes reach our ears. The next concerts will take place in Switzerland: April 29 and 30 in Renens, May 4 in Monthey, May 5, 2023 in Geneva. Patience…

⇒ The website of Kala Jula.

Malian guitarist Samba Diabaté in concert with Kala Jula, on October 3, 2019 at the Crochetan Theater in Monthey, Switzerland.
