In this dreamland, a 100 m² house costs less than a motorbike – find out which one

In this dreamland a 100 m² house costs less than

It is the cheapest village to buy a house. There you can find accommodation at the price of a car: and all this in one of the most beautiful regions of Europe.

It is located in Spain, its name is Alcaudete de la Jara and it is magnificent. But what’s more, it’s one of the cheapest villages on the entire European continent. This small village is located not far from Toledo, southwest of the Spanish capital, Madrid. A 100 square meter house in Alcaudete de la Jara costs so little that it’s hard to believe. Only 300 euros per square meter, or 30,000 euros. In big cities, with 30,000 euros, it is of course impossible to buy a house of 100 square meters. But even a garage for the car costs more than that!

The average price per square meter for this small Spanish village is – to be precise – 329 euros. But this remains an average, so there are more expensive houses and others even cheaper. Much depends on the location and condition of the building, just like anywhere else.

The nature surrounding this “pueblo” is remarkable: the Rio Jebalo river flows through the village, creating spectacular canyons and valleys. Nearby, the Via Verde de la Jara is a former railway line transformed into a path for pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders. It extends for more than 50 km across the comarca of La Jara, in the province of Toledo. It offers walkers a rich and varied natural landscape, crossing tunnels, viaducts and wooded areas. Via Verdes (greenways) in Spain are initiatives that reuse old railway infrastructure to promote sustainable tourism and provide recreational spaces.

In particular, we can visit the Azután viaduct, or Amador Bridge, which spans the reservoir of the same name, connects the municipalities of Calera y Chozas and Aldeanueva de Barbarroya with a length of 365 m and a maximum height of 60 meters. The viaduct is the most monumental of the entire Talavera de la Reina – Villanueva de la Serena railway route. It is made up of 11 sections, 3 arcs of 16 meters, 3 parabolic arcs of 40 meters and 5 others of 16 meters. The end of construction of the viaduct dates back to 1962 and it is made of concrete.

There are also many other nature trails, nature parks and scenic viewpoints. Buying a house in Alcaudete de la Jara is not only about saving money, it is also about living in contact with nature. Being far from urban stress, odd schedules, hectic pace and air pollution. What more ?
