In the United States, Texas is testing the limits with the federal state on immigration

In the United States Texas is testing the limits with

The Supreme Court granted Joe Biden a week ago the right to suspend Title 42 which authorized, due to a pandemic, to deport illegal immigrants without having to study their asylum request. Donald Trump had set it up. In Texas, the governor decided despite everything to no longer process the files of migrants and to send them back to their points of entry into the United States.

With our correspondent in Houston, Thomas Harms

They had been sent by bus to Washington, now the Texas security forces will have to bring back any undocumented migrants at the border, as Governor Greg Abbott explains: “ Ohas taken unprecedented measures to respond to the (migration) crisis. Now anyone who entered illegally and is arrested by law enforcement and national guards will be sent back to the border. »

In fact, by this measure, the governor of Texas is testing the limits of the authority of the federal state, and is preparing to clash with his authorities, the only ones authorized to apply the laws on immigration and expulsions.

Electoral stance

Five months from the midterm elections and with a score that is eroding, 6 points now separate him from his Democratic opponent Robert O’Rourke, where his seat is at stake, Greg Abbott also satisfies the most right fringe of the Republican Party which demands that the governor speak of “invasion” and resort to mass expulsions. It must be said that the American constitution authorizes extended powers in the event of an invasion.

Adriana Quiroga is part of the Center for Refuge and Legal and Educational Assistance to Immigrants in Texas: For us, this is a retaliatory measure, a political coup to retaliate against the Biden administration, and we consider that it only continues to dehumanize migrants. Nothing is specified on the fate of these migrants once brought back to the gates of the United States.

The Lone Star operation, which costs four billion dollars in Texas, has just been put under investigation by the United States Department of Justice, for violation of civil rights, such as detentions without charge.

Read also : United States: Pass of arms between Republicans and Democrats after the migration drama in Texas
