In the spotlight: Volodymyr Zelensky, surprise guest of the Arab League summit

In the spotlight Volodymyr Zelensky surprise guest of the Arab

The organization’s 32nd summit in Jeddah was already attracting attention with the presence of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. But the unexpected arrival of the Ukrainian president has almost stole the show “, writing The crosssupported by THE echoes according to which ” Zelensky eclipses Assad. » Freed finally, bows before the ” stroke of genius by Volodymyr Zelensky and Saudi Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman, who pushes the return of Bashar al-Assad to the Arab League into the background. »

But everyone agrees: with the presence of these two leaders, Saudi Arabia is in ” pillar of the region. ” And for good reason : ” ukrainian president [a] was invited by [Riyad]and not by the League » as specified Freed.

Saudi power is playing on two counts since Bashar el-Assad has fully aligned himself with Russia, and that, as recalled The crossthese last months, ” Saudi Arabia (…) provided essential assistance to [Moscou]maintaining a fairly high price per barrel. »

No contrary messages, but realpolitik… and above all a way for the country, according to an expert interviewed by the echoesto proclaim loud and clear that ” his country is now capable of conducting its own foreign policy in an uninhibited way”regardless of the wishes of Russia or the United States.

After Jeddah, Zelensky in Hiroshima

The city hosts the G7 and Japan finds itself trapped in the trench warfare between China and the United States. ” Make way for portcullises and dykes “, announcement The world… Place, above all, “ to an assumed systemic rivalry. No more talk about simple economic competition: the battle is now being played out in areas that can be militarized, from artificial intelligence to biotechnology. Beijing and Washington are abandoning their cautious optimism “to embrace a rivalry” also relevant to national security. »

And ” in the first line So of this confrontation: Japan. Not only because it shelters this meeting where two powers look at each other like earthenware dogs, but also because, recalls The cross,Tokyo” is connected to China by intense economic relations ” while being ” America’s ally. “A precious friendship, because, even if Japan makes the summit a platform for the abolition of nuclear power, it still benefits from the” american umbrella “who protects him” the warmongering of its North Korean and Chinese neighbors “, point Le Figaro. For everyday life, the time for denuclearization is therefore still a long way off. ” Ibecause of disarmament has never seemed so unlikely he concludes.

Tensions between Emmanuel Macron and Elisabeth Borne in France

The retirement storm has passed, but it has left its mark on the duo between the president and the Prime Minister. Last illustration: this bill to repeal the much-contested reform. Emmanuel Macron says yes to the debate, Elisabeth Borne says no, in short, one ” let the dirty work be done “by the other” which throws its last fires ” according to information collected by The cross.

In the desolate landscape of the post-retirement period, it seems that the president can only be reborn from the ashes of his Prime Minister who always seems, in the eyes of the Worldentangled in its meetings with the unions. »

In this fight for reinstall the President of the Republic at the heart of the recovery “, the disagreements, “ mess and other disparate announcements are multiplying – between “bicycle plan”, “plan to secure the Internet”, and comments on environmental measures.

The bad environment

More than half of natural lakes and reservoirs have lost water in the past thirty years. A decrease in the volume of water largely attributable to human consumption and global warming, according to a study published in the journal Science. It is the serpent biting its own tail, for in return, ” drying up of lakes could accelerate climate change », according to Jean-François Creteau, at the origin of this study and met by Release. And for good reason: as they dry up, lakes and reservoirs release greenhouse gases “, methane in particular, “ without knowing in what proportion » this will contribute to the increase in temperatures. It is also impossible to predict to what extent the water level will continue to drop in the lakes. There remains one solution and only one: use less water. »
