In the spotlight: Valérie Pécresse, woman on the right

In the spotlight Valerie Pecresse woman on the right

She is the first candidate of the Les Républicains party in a presidential election in France. She promises to steer a course to the right. In an interview with Sunday Newspaper, Valérie Pécresse assures that she wants to follow a line ” clearly right “. The candidate The Republicans hears ” carry a powerful project of rupture “. According to her, Emmanuel Macron is ” the president of the political zigzag and scull “. She says she can beat him and accuses him once again of having “ burnt the cash register “(In other words, having burned France’s financial reserves.” France is damaged, split. Everything must be fixed », Says Valérie Pécresse to the JDD.

The Ciotti lookout

Valérie Pécresse therefore won in her duel with the deputy Éric Ciotti, but the latter made a big score. As remark Le Parisien Sunday, Eric Ciotti obtained nearly 40% of the votes “ on a line close to that of Eric Zemmour. We understood (yesterday) that the member for Nice will not remain inert, predicted this log. He will impose himself (he imposed himself?) As the guardian of the temple with Valérie Pécresse. She must refrain from any refocusing and keep her right », Warns Le Parisien Sunday.

Exactly. In Sunday Newspaper, Eric Ciotti does not say anything else. “ The presidential campaign will be won on the right (…) In the second round, almost all the other candidates were against me. Despite this, 40,000 members gave me their votes. It is a force that cannot be ignored. And if it was it would lead us to defeat », Warns Eric Ciotti in The JDD. According to him, “ in a country which today votes 40% to the right of the right, the election is being played on this side. You have to be there to win. And nowhere else », Assures Eric Ciotti in Sunday Newspaper.

Hulot, the outcast

Nicolas Hulot publicly accused of sexual assault and rape by several women? It is “ the fall of saint nicholas », Formulates the magazine Point. In this weekly, an environmental activist, who once gave him ” the good Lord without confession “, Discovers in him” a Dr Jekyll and a Mr Hyde “, Named after Robert Louis Stevenson’s romantic hero.

Former Minister of Ecology of Emmanuel Macron, ex-television star, ex-figurehead of environmentalists, Nicolas Hulot is now “ an outcast “, highlighted Paris Match. Which newspaper publishes a survey of other women denouncing in turn alleged sexual assault of which they say they were victims on the part of Nicolas Hulot.

At the bend of the testimonies collected by this magazine (such as that of a ” former government minister Jospin “Whose daughter” accuses Nicolas Hulot of having assaulted her “), Paris Match evoked ” a great friend of Hulot, Patrick Poivre d’Arvor “, Also an ex-star of television, to point out that these two had established between them” a “point system” for each woman conquered in the audience, both for a waitress, so much for a flight attendant “.

The “ Hulot scandal “? Weekly The Obs point ” a word long ignored “, That of women who ended up denouncing actions largely ignored by the press.

And knowingly neglected within Europe Ecology-Les Verts, a political party known for its ” zealous »In matters of feminism, Marianne, while Matthieu Orphelin, close to Nicolas Hulot and who was spokesperson for the candidate Yannick Jadot, was excluded from the campaign of the environmental candidate in the next presidential election, after the outbreak of this Hulot scandal. A ” friendship crime »Denounced by Marianne. EELV, Nicolas Hulot and Matthieu Orphelin: party in crisis seeks scapegoat

