In the spotlight: urban violence still in the spotlight

In the spotlight urban violence still in the spotlight

On most of them, photos of rioters at night, lit by flames…” Change everything before it’s too late “, title Le Figaro Magazine while Paris Match speaks of a France to fire and blood “. “ The burst or the chaos “, attach Point. “ Neighborhoods : 40 years of disaster “, writing The Express while Current values Talk about “ secession “.

One cover stands out this morning, that of Humanity Magazine which chooses to deal with the violence of the forces of order. “ French Police : story of a drift “, title the magazine with in a photo, that of the enlargement of the video of the arrest which led to the death of Nahel. In his editorial, the director of Humanity calls for “ hear anger “. “ The police institution must be rethought, reformed. You have to listen and talk “says Fabien Gay.

Point rather wonders if being a police officer has not become a “ impossible mission “. “ For a week, they’ve been called murderers “, can we read. For the weekly, the regional secretary Ile-de-France from the Alliance police union summarizes : “ We went from “Pinot simple cop” to “American Nightmare” “. And the fact that justice retains the voluntary homicide against the police officer who shot Nahel did not help the camp of the police, according to Paris Match : His incarceration is too much for these officials “.

But The Express speaks of the outrageousness of certain unions, in this case Alliance and the UNSA Police, which published a press release which “ marked the spirits “. In this text, they castigate the pests – understand young rioters – and conclude in martial terms : “ Today, the police are in combat because we are at war. Tomorrow we will be in resistance “.

No appeasement after the incarceration of the police officer

Point, Paris Match, Le Figaro Magazine or Current values, all publish photos of the nights of violence and damage in the early morning. Carcasses of charred cars and buses, town halls devastated by the flames. An elected official is the symbol of this violence : Vincent Jeanbrun, mayor of L’Haÿ-les-Roses, whose family home was attacked with a ramming car.

Point And Current values call it “ courageous mayor, new face of elected officials who resist “. Elected officials who wonder like many how we got there. In an attempt to understand the phenomenon, the weeklies question specialists, in particular to understand this youth who took part in the riots. For Pointis Boris Cyrulnik. The early childhood specialist assures him: these children are desperate because they are not tutored. They obey clan rituals. Only education can save them “.

On his side, Le Figaro Magazine gives the floor to Pierre Brochand, the former director general of the DGSE. For him, “ nothing comparable has happened in French cities since the Revolution of 1789 “. He’s talking about “ decades of abdication in working-class neighborhoods “. But these popular suburbs need a state that protects », hammers in Humanity Magazine the communist mayor of Gennevilliers, where the nights of violence are linked. According to him, some cities have suffered for years from the absence of city policy.

Not really the same story on the side of the Pointwhich ensures that to respond to the disarray of the inhabitants, the suburbs live under infusion of public money “. Without convincing results, notes the weekly. Weeklies that all agree on one point : the urban riots and the current situation only ultimately benefit the extreme right.

Elisabeth Borne’s responses to Parisian

First observation of the newspaper : “ Some say it is weakened. Others would hope that she would be replaced at Matignon. But Elisabeth Borne hangs on ! » In the columns of the Parisianshe announces massive means to protect the French on July 13 and 14.

As for the measures to respond to the riots, Elisabeth Borne assures : “ We want very quick answers, for families to measure the consequences of the acts committed by their children “. Acting quickly, quick answers, that’s what comes up the most in this interview.

In 100 days maybe ? On this question of the course of three months and a few to revive the country, the Prime Minister affirms it : “ All the sites are green, whether from the point of view of work, republican order or education and health… All the sites presented at the end of April have been started “. As for the rumors around her departure, Elisabeth Borne kicks in touch and repeats it : “ I am not in the commentary, but in the action “.

And to the question of whether Pap Ndiaye can be Minister of National Education at the start of the school year ? If Marlène Schiappa can stay despite the Marianne Fund affair ? “ No comments she replies. Shortcomings in some departments ? “ These are subjects that I only raise one-on-one with the President of the Republic. »

The Prime Minister, who therefore speaks in the columns of the Parisianit could also have done so in those of the Sunday newspaper. But now, the strike continues for the third week in a row. The editorial staff requests the withdrawal of the nomination of Geoffroy Lejeune, former Current values. Journalists also want guarantees of independence and appeal to Emmanuel Macron.
