In the spotlight: TotalEnergies, a company that unleashes passions

In the spotlight TotalEnergies a company that unleashes passions

“Accused Total stand up” calm the Express. From the 10 billion super profits to the fuel crisis in France, to the tweet from its boss justifying his 52% increase in an astronomical salary when everyone is tightening their belts, TotalEnergies is chaining the “bad buzz” […] and “the controversies tells us the French weekly. In a very complete file embellished with an hour of interview with its CEO, Patrick Pouyanné, the express draws up the inventory of a French group which had never been so decried as since the Erika scandal in 99”.

The magazine tackles all the subjects that annoy

And “probably one of the most criticized”adds the Express. « The project in Uganda and Tanzania […] a huge oil infrastructure […] 230,000 barrels of crude should come out of Lake Albert within three years “. “a project that is almost unanimously against him” ensures the express. ” Expropriations […] human rights violations, damage to biodiversity, climate bomb ». “The damning indictment of NGOs”them “criticism”, Patrick Pouyanné, the CEO, says he hears them. And he defends himself. Expropriations in Uganda? “98% of households accepted. No one forced them”. Like a preacher in the desert, Pouyanné takes his pilgrim’s staff and intones: “The project will be done” with or without TotalEnergies. ” The question, he adds, is: is it better to have a western company in the landscape that is trying to develop according to our standards?. A question that could have been asked of the Ugandans concerned. But no, they will remain outside the scope of this file.

While South Korea is in national mourning after the crowd movement that killed more than 150 people, an article resonates with this news

“Should we be afraid of crowds? » asks himself Societyin an article written before the Seoul tragedy. The magazine talks with the exhibition curator “ Crowds to see in Paris. Mehdi Moussaïd, researcher, a “ foulologist » tells us that, yes the crowd “can switch to a stupid side, the crowd movement but also to the smart side”. He reminds us that in the evacuation of the twin towers of the Word Trade Center, “we realized that in this extreme situation, it was mutual aid that prevailed […] And that in fact the image we have of the crowd is fueled by a century of negative crowd studies”. Look again at the Arab Springs, “a dominant emotion is amplified in a crowd” continues the researcher. The Arab Spring, where in the countries concerned, individuals were angry but isolated”. Facebook then comes along and connects people. ” Anger he said, then got in touch with anger” and that then amplified it.

The crowds going wild in Brazil

The atmosphere became electric » as Brazil votes this Sunday between Lula and Bolsonaro. This is “Brazil against Brazil”, title the Obs who looks back on this campaign surrealist “. ” Who remembers a campaign where a candidate – Lula – forces himself to declare that he has no pact and has never spoken with the devil, while his adversary, writes the reporter, his adversary – Bolsonaro – buys an ad on Google to clarify that he is not a pedophile? » Yes, mad campaign, a “ torrent of fake news » which feeds this electric tune » tell us again The Obs. For whom the presidential could be played in São Paolo, “the gigantic metropolis rather Lulist, the province rather Bolsonarist. And the undecided? » They will have to “to decide between two diametrically opposed social projectsabound the Sunday newspaper : continue on the path of ultra-conservatism […] of Bolsonaro or return to the paternalistic social democracy of the former head of state Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva ». The JDD, pessimistic, on the future of Brazil. Whoever wins, “reconciling the country seems almost impossible”. Very little light therefore for the South American giant.

In kyiv, it is by the light of mobile phones that we light up…

Dozens of small fireflies make their way through the streets of the Ukrainian capital. These are the torches of the telephones. Because for a week, tells us Paris MatchKyiv is “subject to electricity restrictions”. So from Marina and Sergei who “try not to bump into the walls of their apartment too much” to Doctor Natalia from “hospital number 2 which manages 76 patients and now power cuts” via Victor “surviving in a tent in Irpin, warming up at the neck of a bottle as the temperature nears zero degrees “. How can we not also think of Nastia and Oleksander who, in the morning were in a shelter on the ground of their building without electricity and who, at nightfall, party at the Fifty nightclub in kyiv… Paris Match in a bewildered Ukrainian capital that lives in the dark.
