In the spotlight: to spend the winter, France is looking for gas and electricity

In the spotlight to spend the winter France is looking

Will we spend the winter warm? “, wonders in the headline Release. Usually, at the start of the school year, we rather wonder about ” social weather », remarks this daily, while this year, it is « just the weather, which is taking center stage (…) What will the weather be like this winter? !

And it is precisely this unanswered question that will be in the heart of this first national defense and security council on energy, emphasizes Freed. Which newspaper has nothing against this summit meeting. Provided that his speech is accompanied by a “ speech of justice on the distribution of the efforts that the French could be brought to make. For the moment, we are not there », laments Release.

Exactly. “ The spectrum of the cut » is on the front page of Humanity. Because ” despite the drum rolls and the threats of the current that he agitates, the executive limits him to “showing pedagogy” (…) by crossing his fingers so that the frosts bypass France this fall and this winter “. However, the energy “experts” interviewed by the communist daily said to themselves “ rather worried », warns The Human. Which newspaper warns: if the Russian president decides to completely close the floodgates on the 1er October, the EU will simply not be able to cope “. Wonderful perspective…

Back-to-school blues for Macron

What fill the atmosphere in this return to Emmanuel Macron. In this energy field, precisely, a majority of French people do not trust him. According to an Odoxa survey for Le Figaroif 47% of French people think that the French president “ will be able to ensure the supply of gas and electricity in the coming months “, 60% of them do not believe Emmanuel Macron “ able to protect their purchasing power against rising energy prices “.

Other lessons from this survey Figaro, 84% of French people think that France is a vulnerable country from an energy point of view. ” A concern that has increased by 11 points in six months ”, points out this daily: 54% of the people questioned believe that this vulnerability is above all due to the lack of investment by France in nuclear power plants; for 42% of them, it is in renewable energies that investments have been lacking; and 4 out of 10 French people attribute this vulnerability to the war in Ukraine (40%). ” Only 26% of French people believe that the country’s vulnerability is linked to the fact that we consume too much energy », complete Le Figaro.

A gloomy return, therefore, for Emmanuel Macron confirmed by another poll, published this morning by The echoes. Confidence in the Head of State fell by two points to 36%, two points less than in August. Conversely, this Elabe barometer is up one point for Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, at 33% of the confidence rate of the French, indicates the economic daily.

Renaissance, ask for the organization chart!

Politically, in any case, Emmanuel Macron is getting organized. And the contours of his future party are becoming clearer. Renaissance, that’s its name, will see the light of day in two weeks, on September 17, says Stéphane Séjourné to the newspaper The Parisian. If the Renaissance activists decide – and there is, of course, not the slightest doubt on this subject – this MEP close to Emmanuel Macron will be the “Secretary General”, he confides without surprise to the Parisian.

In the organization chart, therefore, the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire will be ” in charge of ideas “Amelie de Montchalin” will take care of external relations “Gerald Darmanin” will have the training “, Bérangère Couillard “ relations with members “Olivier Dussopt” the departmental structure of the party “, Aurore Bergé “ the response “Frank Riester” the elections “Fabienne Keller” mobilization “, Clement Beaune ” international and Europe “or even Brigitte Bourguignon” coordination of major causes “Said Stéphane Séjourné, adding that Pascal Canfin will be” in charge of government relations “. On September 17, therefore, the founding congress of Renaissance will be held at the Carrousel du Louvre “, he further specifies in The Parisian.
