In the spotlight: the warm welcome of the French to the Blues, back from Qatar

In the spotlight the warm welcome of the French to

Thanks to the legends “, title The Parisian Today in France, which echoes this ” last stage of an unforgettable epic “. For Releasethe crowd celebrates […] its gorgeous losers “. It must be said that there were thousands on Monday to welcome the French team to the Place de la Concorde, relays Provence. A return illustrated in images by West France from the descent of the plane to the center of Paris. The daily speaks of players with ” tired faces “and a Kylian Mbappé at the” closed face “.

But the 50,000 people present on the Place de la Concorde gave the Blues a smile. For The worldit feels like the stadium “. ” We sing, we dance, we blow firecrackers », The voice of the North echoes the atmosphere that the regional daily describes as ” almost unreal “. minute by minute, The Parisian recounts the evening and especially the appearance of the players on the balcony of the Hôtel Crillon. It was Didier Deschamps and his captain Hugo Lloris who came out first, soon joined by the rest of the players who ” wave their arms around tendonitis ” according to the daily.

A consolation. A delicious and gentle balm to put on the wound of defeat “, to analyse The world. Le Figaro he already has his eyes on the rest and Euro 2024. And for the daily: “ The future looks bright. Especially when you have in your ranks Kylian Mbappé, author of a legendary hat-trick against the Albiceleste and who is advancing as the leader of the new ambitious generation interviewed in Qatar “.

End of COP15 on biodiversity

The promises of an agreement “, title The echoes who return in detail to the text adopted overnight from Sunday to Monday by nearly 200 countries in Montreal. He plans, the daily recalls, “ avoid mass extinction of plant and animal species, in particular by protecting at least 30% of land and sea by 2030 “. ” A historic agreement to protect the planet, really ? », wonders The Parisian which emphasizes that this world conference has ended in pain […] after tough negotiations “. The daily, which quotes the president of the League for the Protection of Birds, for whom ” this agreement preserves the essentials, but it settles nothing. Everything will be played in the implementation, on which the agreement gives almost no quantified commitment “.

Nevertheless, The cross believes that a big step has been taken to protect biodiversity », in particular with the « massive reduction in the use of pesticides “. The newspaper is also interested in the question ” funding from developing countries » and relays this qualified figure « ambitious “: ” Each year, 20 billion dollars will have to be allocated to poor countries by 2025, and 30 billion by 2030, against 5 to 7 billion today “. But, as recalled The echoes, the main stakeholders consider these promises insufficient. The daily points out that a few minutes before the end of the summit, the Democratic Republic of Congo and other African countries clearly marked their opposition to the draft agreement “. An agreement hailed by the UN Secretary General, recalls The Parisianwhich speaks of the beginning of a peace pact with nature “.

Report in Notre-Dame and in the Donbass

The first report, to read in The cross, takes us to the bedside of Notre-Dame. The cathedral which reveals her new face “, according to the daily newspaper which takes us to the heart of the restoration site of the building. And to believe The crossthings are progressing well since the cleaning of the stones and the renovation of the paintings already give a glimpse of the new brilliance that Notre-Dame will offer in 2024 “. Before that, recalls the daily, place at the big construction site of the frame and the arrow next year.

Second report, to read in Le Figarowhich takes us on the front line, in the footsteps of an elite Ukrainian unit in the Donbass. ” There is the war that we hear, howling, everywhere, all the time. The firing of mortars, Grad missiles, cluster bombs and heavy artillery », Says the special correspondent of the newspaper. But ” there is also the other war, discreet and silent, which allows the first : small groups roam the spans in search of enemy positions, and to gather intelligence “. A spotlight on this shadow war is the promise of everyday life.

On his side, The Team sees even further and looks at the future of Didier Deschamps. The daily announces the upcoming meeting between the coach and Noël Le Graët. The Team reminds him: Deschamps has not yet decided on his future. But if he stays, which seems to be the trend, he intends to negotiate a contract until the next World Cup “.
