In the spotlight: the Ukrainian counter-offensive

In the spotlight the Ukrainian counter offensive

Blahodatne, Neskoutchne and Makarivka: Ukraine announced the reconquest, yesterday Sunday, of three villages in the eastern region of Donetsk, point The world. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky admitted the day before “counter-offensive actions”, without giving further details, while his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, assured on Friday that the great Ukrainian counter-offensive had “begun ‘. According to Moscow, the kyiv forces had “failed to achieve their objectives” after several days of fierce fighting. “I am grateful to our soldiers for this day, launched last night, Volodymyr Zelensky in his daily message. THANKS ! Thank you for every step, for every fight, for every occupier destroyed!’ These are the first territorial gains announced in months by Ukraine, see again The world, apart from the few hundred meters recently retaken on the outskirts of Bakhmout, a devastated city in the Donetsk region, which Moscow claimed to conquer in May. »

Night battles…

This time there it is exclaims Release. “ Everything suggests that after weeks of artillery preparation, of ‘shaping’ the front, the dynamic phase has begun. ‘Operations are underway across the theatre’, confirm the analysts of the Institute for the study of the war, or the British and Estonian military information, generally reliable. Ukraine regains the initiative. (…) Our special correspondent on the spot was able to observe the intensity of the night fighting south of Zaporijia, towards the line of contact with the Russians, precise Release. Why nocturnal, when the war was taking place until now in a classic pattern, of bombardments, infantry fights, defense in trenches, urban occupation (…)? “Well,” the newspaper replies, ” it is obviously because the Ukrainian army now has at its disposal sophisticated military equipment, provided by its Western allies, and in the first place the United States, which allows it to advance at night without being seen by the Russians. »

A long and difficult conflict…

Rest, temper Le Figarothat “ the hopes placed in a quick and decisive breakthrough by Ukraine are undoubtedly excessive, just as the resistance capacity of the Russian army and society are underestimated. We must prepare for a very long and difficult conflict, still affirms Le Figaro. “And more generally, analyzes the newspaper, “ under the escalation of the war in Ukraine points to the acceleration of the confrontation between democracies and authoritarian empires, as shown by the multiplication of maritime and air incidents in the China Sea, and the rise of tensions around Taiwan. Violence emancipates itself from all limits and war progresses on all continents, see again Le Figaro. Globalization is fragmenting into commercial, normative, financial and monetary blocs, like the ‘de-dollarization’ strategy launched by China, which now extends to the Middle East and Latin America. »

Djokovic: “alone on his planet! »

Also on the front page, this figure: 23… 23e Grand Slam title for Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic who won Roland Garros yesterday.

Alone on his planet exclaims The Team. ” 23 major titles, the Serbian is the first man in history to achieve this performance. »

And the pen of the sports daily gets carried away: “ in his quest for the impossible, 36-year-old Novak Djokovic laid an ocher stone too red and too deep for his vilest detractors to continue to look away. On the scale of a rich land, June 11, 2023 marks a jolt that will mark a date: he is no longer one among others, he is alone above all. »

Comment of Parisian : “ whether we love or hate this man for his positions against the Covid vaccine or his nationalist commitments for Serbia, we must bow to his prodigious record. (…) At 36, he becomes world number 1 again. We thought the younger generation would take over, but in the end, who wins? Djoko! ‘I won seven Grand Slams, confesses for his part, always in The Parisian, the Belgian Justine Henin, consultant for France Televisions. I know the difficulty of winning one already. Twenty-three is prodigious. You can’t imagine how hard it is to stay at the top level for so long. Novak achieves it, it’s breathtaking’. »
