In the spotlight: the sixtieth anniversary of the true-false ceasefire in Algeria

In the spotlight the sixtieth anniversary of the true false ceasefire

It is today, at midday, that at the Elysee Palace, Emmanuel Macron will deliver a speech that The Parisian qualifies all the more as an exercise tightrope walker “that in fact of cease-fire, the date of March 19, 1962” remains subject to caution », Stated this newspaper in an understatement. Having indeed recalled the unleashing of violence on both sides of the belligerent forces of the time and which, long after the said signature, bloodied Algeria, The Parisian points out that “ returnees dispute this reference of the Evian Accords.

So what could the head of state say? ” Do not wait for the President of the Republic to decline an official historical line or a history lesson, but a work of memory “, specifies an adviser to the Elysée, according to whom this ceremony will be placed under the seal of “ reconciliation “with a concern for” hand held out (which with the approach of the presidential election in France, The Parisian considers to be a challenge “).

Bad times for the oligarchs

The Russian oligarchs have something to worry about. To galvanize his supporters, Vladimir Putin held a huge meeting the day before yesterday in Moscow. In a stadium full of 80,000 seats, he had no words harsh enough against those he denounced as “ traitors to the homeland. ” When Putin plays Stalin “, formula The Parisian. Like others, this newspaper noted the accusations of the master of the Kremlin against those who make up the ” fifth column of the West, these people willing to sell their own mother to be allowed to sit on the upper caste entrance bench “, he lumbered, denouncing their desire to participate in the “ destruction of russia “. The Parisian also pointed to Vladimir Putin’s allusion to a ” natural and necessary self-purification of society “.

Ukraine, the price of war

Faced with such threats, what should Westerners do? Referring to the price to be paid for war, Le Figaro warns. “ From the Cold War to September 11, we have already seen the world fracture on the divide “with or against us”, he points out. ATToday, this logic stems from the faint hope of Westerners of“stop the war without making the war”, as Emmanuel Macron theorized. The iniquitous aggression of Ukraine must have a price, capable of bringing the warmonger to reason. But care must be taken that it is not so high that it becomes the trigger for an escalation “, thus warns Le Figaro.

According to this daily, it is indeed a total economic and financial war that Vladimir Putin is facing today. ” Deserved? Certainly. But the very nature of sanctions invites us to provide a way out for the person they target. “, enjoins this daily. ” For the Kremlin, this means withdrawing troops from Ukraine “, he underlines. But be careful, warn immediately Le Figaro a Putin pushed to his limits, convinced that we want to “break up” and “erase” his country, to the point of brandishing his weapons of mass destruction, such is not the desired effect “.

Censored RFI, the Malian lament

And then these reactions in Mali, to the suspension of emissions from RFI and France 24. For security reasons, they were all collected on condition of anonymity. This is Le Figaro who publishes them, starting by pointing out that in Mali, ” far from causing an outcry, the decision (to cut our transmitters) received a cold reception “.

Asked, this former editor, that Le Figaro presents as “a figure of the press in Bamako”, speaks of a decision “cclearly liberticidal and stupid”.

This reporter who works in a Malian newspaper deplores a “ serious decline (…) of freedom of expression (…) But people take it very coldly”, does he complete in Le Figaro. According to this anonymous colleague, “aoday in remote regions of the capital such as Gao, RFI represents a real breath of fresh air, thanks to synchronization with other local radio stations. Those who are going to be deprived of information are our parents, those who are in these remote areas,” he says again to this French newspaper.

Which daily also collected the testimony of an “entrepreneur from Timbuktu, in the North”, who underlines that “ RFI has always extended its microphone to the authorities” and who believes that we can “not to agree with the editorial line of a press organization, but it is not by keeping it quiet, or by hiding it, that we are going to raise the morale of the troops”.
